Sunday, November 04, 2007

Day 6. Sunday Funday

Day 6. Sunday Funday
Originally uploaded by jankynola

This is where you can find me most Sundays. Watchin some foosball!!!! I love it!! (Not as much as college basketball, for the record!)

Also, Jake and I are avid movie watchers. I belong to Blockbuster Online. See right. Most of our watching happens at home. We usually pick pretty good ones to see. That is until lately. The last couple movies we've seen have really blown!! 1408 and Captivity. If you haven't heard of the second one, dont worry. It's not even worth knowing about much less seeing. We'll be watching another this evening. So, let's hope this sucky movie streak is over!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Day 5. Blu Blockers.

Day 5. Blu Blockers.
Originally uploaded by jankynola

Today i drove up to sac to check out my cuz in the drumline. She rocks!!! I stole the blu blockers from my pops. They are sweet!!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Day 4. Hardly working

Day 4. Hardly working
Originally uploaded by jankynola

This is my "day" job. Pouring beers, mixing drinks, bullshitting. Guess which one I'm the best at?!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Day 3. By my baby's side.

Day 3. By my baby's side.
Originally uploaded by jankynola

my hand on my man. watchin the tube. the usual.

Day 2: Halloweenie!!!

Day 2: Halloweenie!!!
Originally uploaded by jankynola

Went to jakes parents for Halloween. Watched his nieces get dressed up and go trick or treating. Oh how i miss the days of giving myself cavities. Halloween is a fat kids dream come true, getting all dressed up to take random peoples candy. Then, going home, dumping my stash on the floor and gorging myself into a sugar coma. good times.