Ok, so hope everyone(dont really know who EVERYONE includes, since im pretty sure im the only one reading this damn blog, but whatevA) had a great thanksgiving. I, upon eating with my garlic clove family(coworkers)realized something, something so genius that i really dont know how i went through all the previous turkey days without realizing it, i realized that every person(s) who host a thanksgiving feast should, as standard protocol(as standard as taking someones coat upon entering) hand each guest a pair of elastic waist bottoms, thus eliminating both the guilt brought upon by too-tight pants syndrome, and the discomfort!! I know, i amaze myself at times, i really do!!! LATA!!!!
Friday, November 26, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Life in the big city
Right now im in the midst of recovering from what could be considered a 3 day hangover. With the occasional interruption of work and alcohol. Oh the big city life, its rough!! Tonight I am going to show with jason to see a guy named marc broussard. Im really excited, ive been listening to his music since the summer, when i saw him open for gavin degraw. It should be pretty cool. So, lets see, whats been up this past week or so? Well, the end of last week was pretty mellow. Friday, I went to a brass band concert, BY MYSELF!! I know, i probably wouldnt believe it myself, ya know, if i hadnt been there to see myself, or you know, whatever, the point is i did it!! It was all brought on by a comment that a bartender i work with threw at me when i said i probably wasnt going to make it to said concert because jason decided he didnt want to go, and i really didnt know who else to call. She told me i should just go by myself, when i told her i felt awkward showing up by myself, that its weird to me when girls do stuff like that by themselves. Her reply"girls shouldnt do things solo, but women do!!" I guess it was an epiphanal(pretty sure i just made up that word!!) moment for me. At that moment i realized how and why i came back to this city. My social trappings in fresno had deprived me of experiences of my own. I couldnt believe how ignorant i felt. And after the liberation of walking in and out of that concert on my own terms, minus any drama brought on outside of my control, or by outside forces I realized this whole independent woman thing is pretty freakin cool!!! Anyway, after my I am woman.... night, i resolved to spend saturday with my dj crew and jason. My friend chris(maxwell) had his brother in town, so we were forced to spend another evening with the tourists on good ol bourbon street. We also got to visit my friend rebecca at the bourbon house(my former employer)where before my very eyes i witnessed a real live swingers convention!! Does the comedy ever stop in this place??!! It was great!! Sunday i spent watching football at rebeccas, then off to work!! After which i spent way too much time at the bar next door, and eventually ended up crashing at a coworkers(zach=the bad boy of the bunch=my intrigue/crush begins!!). Monday just spent the majority of the day recovering and trying to finish reading the confederacy of dunces(a must read!!!), almost there!! Yesterday i had the day off, and spent the evening with some new friends. Todays plans include(whatever i feel like doing, gawd!!!napoleon d. rocks!!) preparation for my date with my boyfriend marc(a girl can dream), oh and probably a meal or two!!! laaater!
Monday, November 15, 2004
Drums please!!!

battle of the bands
So, yesterday my friends and i went to the stadium at the city park, and watched the semifinals of the battle of the bands. It was quite the culturing experience!! This town never ceases to amaze me with its history and tradition, and this event was no exception. With a crowd somewhere in the thousands i watched with amazement at 10 high school bands from the greater new orleans area, 1 from atlanta that was actually in the movie drumline, and a college band from miss. To say it was awesome doesnt begin to describe the event. I can only imagine how much effort is put in to making these elaborate displays of both talent and pride. These folks do not mess around when it comes to marching bands!! I know when i think of marching band i think of the halftime shows at our high school football games, where i never actually watched(i was either too busy flirting with the boys, or waiting in line for some sort of football game snack, what? i like to eat, ok?) Anyhoo, i can guarantee you this was different than anything us fresnans have ever seen. I mean, not only do these kids tear it up with music on whatever instrument they're playing, they get down, literally. I heard tunes from r.kelly, to lil john, even a little destinys child, throughout the playing of these songs these kids are getting their dance on too!! It was crazy!!! Anyhoo, today is amies last day, so im on my own starting tomorrow, wish me luck!!!
Posted by Hello
im with the dj

radio buddies
Ok, so this week was pretty fun filled. On thursday night amie and i hung out with my dj friend athena(the blonde in the pic). She brought her friend maxwell(black dude in pic), who just moved here around the same time i did. He's originally from san diego, but was djing for the past few years in san luis obispo. Anyway we hung out with them at a place called the bulldog. Then amie and i went to our fave spot monahans before meeting up with jason at a place called one eyed jacks. Thursday nights are 80's night there. It was awesome, they had go-go dancers dressed in 80's garb and a big screen tv playing little shop of horrors!!! After a long night of fun, we pretty much spent all day friday recovering, oh and crocheting scarves, amie and i are thinking of starting our own factory!! Saturday i had to go back to work(after a whole week off) when i got home we headed out to bourbon street where we met up with our radio buddies. It was a good time, we went to pat o briens and had hurricanes on their huge patio. A must for any visitor!!! Then we headed to a little club around the corner from our house. Its a little divey college club, they play an awesome mix of music, and its a cool little spot to get your dance on!! Anyway at some point in the evening the dj guys started telling me how comical i was(like thats news to me)they then proceeded to tell me that they needed a 4th voice on their morning radio show, and that i, the janky one, am exactly what they're looking for!! Can ya believe it, me, on the air, with a captive audience, people have to listen to my twisted sense of comedy? Where do i sign up!!! We'll see if anything becomes of it!! I guess stranger things have happened!! Holla!!!
Posted by Hello
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Sittin on the river
So, i wrote an entire post yesterday describing the goings on since i blogged last week. Amie and I were sitting on the riverbank taking in a lovely fall day. When i tried to post the blog it erased it completely. So, now im trying to remember everything i wrote, im sure i wont be as descript in this attempt. Sorry;o(. So, yeah since last tuesday, ive really just spent alot of time chillin out(drinkin). We went to a maxim/bud light party last thursday night(pretty fn cool!!). Friday we just chilled out, and saturday we were rockin!!!! Sunday i went to a friends to watch football(he has 3 tvs set up in the living room, hardcore!!) And yesterday we ran a few errands and in the evening enjoyed 5$ pitchers of margaritas!! Tonight we are going to watch the lakers play the hornets!! Im also going to see a friend from fresno. Her name is athena, she used to dj at star 101, im sure y'all remember her!! Anyway, shes working in town, and told me to come hang at the station with her, it should be fun!!!! Alright kids talk to ya soon, stay up!!!!
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Willie, oh willie
Well, halloween went pretty well. I just figured out that the photos i took on my digital video camera, which i thought would transfer over, didnt. But, i did figure out how to transfer my pics from my digital camera. anyhoo, this photo of my coworkers and i is from halloween night it was pretty crazy. We went to frenchmen st., its where all the locals go. It was pretty awesome! Yesterday we got some of that rain thats been over california, except, well, i just say its a different kinda rain!! Amie and i went to the movies yesterday and watched "saw". Pretty scary!!! Then, we went to the house of blues, and saw willie!!!! Ok, the man is 71 years old, and he still brought the house down!! Willie rocks!!! He actually pointed at me during his show, and afterwards we rushed to the front and he signed our tickets!!! It was awwwwesome!!!! Anyhoo, today amie and i are gonna wander around the quarter!! Alrighty well, hope all is well with all yall!! Peace out, ps, this is for you coop!!!
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