a twentysomething venturing into the crazy world of entrepreneuring(and, apparently, making up words!!) all while consuming mass quantities of alcohol. u dig?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
funny..we're not so smiley after we take this shot!!! Posted by Hello
Well...I'm finally here....and let me start by saying....whew...what a weekend....one could say i went out with a bang....figuratively speaking, of course. I guess I'll start with Friday...Gretchen and I had lunch at a really good sushi joint....tim called me to ask if i wanted to work a vodka party sponsored by rain vodka....unfortunately i was already scheduled to work at nyp....so i volunteered zach....this is where i went wrong....zach and i had plans to catch the midnight showing of the big lebowski.....but, zach and free booze a sober man do not make....I called him when i got off work....he didnt sound too trashed, so i told him id meet him at the bourbon house...by the time i got there he was already 8 white russians(caucasians) deep....i thought id try to sober him up with some soda and popcorn....i realized it was no use when he attempted to light a cigarette in the middle of the theatre.....i was tempted to just leave him...but, he was soo wasted i was afraid of what would happen if i left him drunk in the french quarter to his own devices....when i got home(it was only like, 1230)i called my friend todd and the evening wasnt a total wash....caught yet another sunrise on the rooftop....saturday i worked at nyp...a friend from there had a party at her house...a guy we work with is moving to spain for school, another just got in town, and im taking a leave(of sorts!!)....Laura(the girl who had the party) has a sweet house in uptown...she lives with a bunch of grad students....their house is very artsy...when we walked in there was a clear shower curtain hanging on the wall, with a couple permanent markers laying on the ground....it was a sort of graffiti art/yearbook signing type thang...it was really cool...by the end of the night my not so sober self was involved in quite an intense game of hangman on said shower curtain.....This was a very chill party...my coworkers and i just sat in a big circle and shot the shit....i decided i work with a lot of kick ass peeps...we were all chillin outside when out of nowhere its started super storming....gretchen and i wanted nothing more than to frolick in the rain...we opted against it....i didnt leave the party till around 530am..considering i didnt get there til around 1am i guess its not that bad...i guy i work with named curtis(he's super cute and cool....he's 20...there's always a catch!!)stayed there for awhile, bullshitting and trying to sober up!! Sunday i was super hungover, my friend chris drove in from lafayette to hang before i left....we ate lunch at nyp, then i had to work....its ironic, it was my last shift and we were soooooo freakin slammed, it was insane, i literally sweat out my hangover!! After i got off chris and i just hung out, stayed up late watching the karate kid part two(god the 80's were soooo cheesy,and the fashion, oh my gawd!!), and chatting. Monday morning i attempted to start my packing....im not what youd call a "light packer" by any means....quite the contrary im a compulsive overpacker....i guess its partially because i have way more, clothing, shoes, accessories, than some department stores...which explains why the last three times ive traveled ive had to pay the heavy bag fee...but, much to my surprise, i actually finished packing yesterday...a whole day before i left....thats definitely a first...in the afternoon i walked around the quarter to run some last minute errands....i was overwhelmed with this sadness, like it was my last time there or something......made one last stop at the garlic clove....picked up my final paycheck( a whopping $30....why did i work there for 6 entire months again???) I had a couple of friends over for my farewell evening....tim and chas came by and we decided to go visit drunk ass zach at the gay bar he works at(he's straight). gretchen stopped by and we all just hung out for awhile.....so, this morning....i randomly woke up at 830 realizing my car was parked on a tuesday tow street....i totally panicked....how freakin fitting would it be for my car to get towed mere hours before im to depart this city......luckily the green machine was still where id left her on monday.....i came home and got ready to take off.....just as im rolling my heavy ass suitcase out the door...its starts pouring down.....what the hell???? what is happening? are these signs i shouldnt be leaving? I mean, i am leaving at a time when everything seems to fit....i've made some really cool new friends, i like my job(sorta, well, i like it more than the clove, so, ya know, thats an improvement!)...i just worry,with all thats to happen in this month im home....will i still have that same feeling when i get back???? guess we'll have to wait and see....for now, im stoked to be back in cali...i'll be hanging in sacramento this week.....on sunday im headed to tahoe!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!!
I'm listening to Jimmy Eat World right now....track 7.....drugs or me....this song...no, this whole freakin cd(futures)....amazing!! I got this cd at christmas, and listened to a couple of tracks off of it...but only in the last couple weeks did i play the whole thing and realize....i love it!!!I enjoy EVERY track...that doesnt happen alot..ya gotta give it a listen,its time well spent!! So, yesterday was a full moon.......I'm convinced that full moons in this city make it even more strange and random than normal....This whole week has been pretty random...but the past couple days have seen especially high levels of random encounters, acts,events. So....i've been working at the garlic clove everyday.....monday was pretty uneventful....it was trivial pursuit night....the bartender plays with a couple of regulars and any random bar patrons that wish to join in....trivial pursuit is like...the longest game ever...longer than monopoly....its even longer than that war game risk(my dad was totally addicted to this board game...then he got it on his computer...that was the end of dad for awhile...he would play online....its crazy how many people love this game...i dont get it!!!)anyway...so that was that...my friend todd randomly called me( i havent spoken to him in months)we hung out at igors when i got off work....he left....i stayed...the rest of the evening entailed eating 1 chicken nugget(then feeling overwhelmed with guilt...damn you fat kid eating habits!!!!)having a conversation with a chef whos ex-girlfriend stabbed him(twice...meaning two seperate occasions),had him sent to jail, only for him to go back to her....note to self:gotta start stabbin the men to keep em around...got it!!Having another conversation with a fitness trainer...he actually got out of his barstool and started showing me the type of squats i needed to do to work on my glutes(the booty bend...he was pretty proud of this reference and used it profusely).Tuesday night was equally as entertaining....a 300 lb. woman walked up wearing no shoes, and these awful black cutoffs...followed by an elderly man who couldnt have weighed more than a buck...he had a slightly more normal appearance than the woman...except for his hot pink slippers...this is a pretty good one....the woman walked up and asked my table if they had a cell phone she could borrow...because....she;was lost, had just been kicked out of the hospital where the man was...she was planning on spending the night sleeping in the hospital lobby(they dont actually do that..do they?)but then they told her they couldnt help the old man.."what he has they cant fix"she said with her bayou twang...she had to give him her slippers!!she needed to get a ride home...i told her to use the phone inside...she ended up getting a cab by promising she had a bank card at home."its under the sofa,cuz that's where i left it"..she was going about 15 miles away...the cab ride would cost 80 dollars!!! They waited for about 10 minutes until the cab got there....then they were gone....pink slippers and all....just as i was getting over this craziness my table(from arkansawww...they're accents were soooo thick!!)was overwhelmed at my resemblance to...minnie driver..."oh my gawwd.you look like that girl..from the movie...you know, skyler...has anyone ever told you that?ok two things; 1-about 99% of the time when people are about to make some remark about my lookalikeness(sweet.i made up a word!!)they start by saying"has anyone ever told you you look like minnie driver?"its funny they always say it exactly like that...2-I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MINNIE DRIVER...do i? i mean i dont think i do..but, i've been told that at least 100 times in my adult life...sometimes weeks, even months go by and i dont hear a thing...then i'll start hearing it on a daily basis....i dont get it.....so i got home from work and my friend zak called...i havent talked to or hung out with zak in about 3-4 months...he used to work at the g.clove...when he left we didnt really talk as much...it sucks too cuz about 5 months ago he moved a block away! anyway, we ended up hanging and made plans to have lunch on wednesday. wednesday was a very random day. zak and i went to lunch. we ate at this place in the quarter that i really like..its called angeli...they have really good sandwiches, pizza and salads...well maybe not the salads anymore....i was enjoying my chicken salad when i noticed a piece was kinda brown.upon further inspection i realized it was covered with dirt....then i noticed the rest of the lettuce was dirty as well.who doesnt wash lettuce???guess i'll have to order my salad without dirt next time.anyway...we went to walmart...im not gonna lie...i love walmart...they have the coolest shit!!For example, my new monkey pillow...he's super soft and will be joining me on my california trip!!i dont think i've ever spent less than an hour in that place...its just not possible...im like a kid in a candy store!!!no i really am!!zak was laughing at me!!anyway, i headed to work!!!this is when i realized it was a full moon!! people that i hadnt seen in months came in....alot of the topics zak and i had discussed either happened or were talked about...it was just weird...we planned on catching the midnight showing of natural born killers, so i came home and changed and we met at igors....as we were about to leave one of the regulars insisted it wasnt playing...i was sure it was, since i had called the theatre during the day to see what time it played, and the kid that worked there told me 1200!! so i called the theatre again just to appease this guy and what do you know....he says the movie is only showing on friday and saturday!!!so we ended up having a couple drinks and heading to my friend todd's place..he lives in the wherehouse district in the city....we got to his place and headed to the rooftop....oh my god...the view...its amazing..i mean.....i dont think describing it would even do it justice......the skyline.....the view of the mississippi river bridge lit up.....the ported cruise ship(i never realized the enormity of those things,but they're freakin huge!!!)it was such a clear view of everything!!it was quite euphoric.....the rest of the evenings events were made that much better just by having that view in the background....and having that full moon illuminating it all...we stayed up on that rooftop for hours and after the moon bid us adieu and the sun came up, we decided to head home....its strange....that feeling of complete content stayed with me all day today....i wonder how long she'll be hanging around.....sweet serenity....im such a cheeseball!!!
Ok, so....its all clear to me now why i was soo emotional the other day...pms...it all makes sense now....so, you can just disregard the previous post....not that anyone read it....its kinda ironic, i have this emotional epiphany...i put in on the internet for all the world to see....and not even 1 stinkin comment...i mean, is anyone even reading this shit?? not that it matters...well, i guess it kinda does...i wouldnt be bothered by the fact that NOONE had ANY reply at ALL if it didnt matter...so, ok, it does matter...dude, IM a freakin mess!! Maybe its not just the whole"monthly friend" thang(I think its so funny when people refer to it as your monthly friend, I mean, who comes up with this shit anyway?). IM totally anxious to get to California....My friend Chris just totally flaked on me(IM not sure why IM surprised..I mean...He literally flakes ALL the time!!)I keep having these really random dreams involving friends in California....Anyway.....I'm really ready to go home...I just need to be around people that truly know and love me.....Though I enjoy meeting and making new friends....Nothin compares to the one's that have been and will be around forever!!! Plus,im just so freakin sick of flaky-ass people....I just don't get it!!! Don't get me wrong,my habitual tardiness sucks too..But come on....If I say im gonna be somewhere I'll get there(not in a timely manner or anything like that!!!)I mean I know I inconvenience folks with my lateness...But, why make plans just to not follow through with them????Huh...Chris????Why, I just want to know why?????Wow....I need a midol and a nap!!!!! Later!!!
Ok, so....let me preface this entry by stating..i dont normally talk about like, relationships and stuff...i dont like to talk about them, well, not my own anyway...well, just to like, my closest friends...but i definitely dont discuss my feelings and especially not in this manner(highly public!!)ok, with that said.....i went to a going away party last night for a guy who i worked with for a brief period of time at nyp....i'll start by saying i almost didn't go to said party for a couple reasons; 1. I didnt know him well or anything... 2. In keeping with the whole being good thang, i was almost ready for bed by the time the girls called and didnt really feel like getting ready(which as we all know, is quite the daunting task for yours truly)but, after some convincing, and a promise that i'd meet new people, i agreed...So, while driving to the party(sidenote:the green machine, also known as my car, totally died on me tuesday morning. of course, it was right after i'd purchased my weekly groceries, perishable ones no less, which were just chillin in the car...it was sad... i totally had to push her off the morning rush filled street...luckily there was an auto shop just around the corner...but it was still quite traumatic, mind you, though it was still morning, the humidity was already like a bazillion degrees...it was disgusting, i mean i actually got to the point, after pushing her, she's a heavy little byotch..i got to the point where i just didnt care about the sweat that was rolling down my;face, chest, back, butt, i mean seriously, its not right!!!!!how do people(especially sweatprone ones) deal with this shit???anyhoo, i had to get a new radiator and some other stuff, it was quite the wake up call, my car was like, hello? could ya pay a little attention to me??)where was i??? oh yeah, so im on my way to this party and im realizing im in the part of town that drunken bicurious eric lives...its called mid-city, its an up and coming area in the city, alot of kids my age are starting to settle out there...anyway, i thought itd be weird if i ran into him, but i thought, nah, this is a going away party, he doesnt know any of these peeps.....this is where fate plays funny tricks on ya....cuz, of course he showed up at this party, with his sickly thin girlfriend(seriously, does this girl even eat?) and of course he came over and pretended to care about my life....here's the thing, as fd up of a person as he is, and as shitty as the relationship was....there was still this little part of me that wanted him back...its really a sick feeling, i mean, i'm totally over this guy, right? i have to be it was like 3 years ago...so, the night went on, i got home, and remembered i had tivoed britney and kevins show.chaotic..this is where it gets just plain sad...i started feeling all lonely, like, awww, i want someone too...blah blah blah, and i know this whole freakin thing started because i saw stupid eric at that party....i started thinking about past relationships(if you can call them that, i never get far enough to technically title it that, its more like, relations, or attempts at )and i realized....its almost like im sabotaging from the getgo, i mean, i think about each guy, how i seek out the guy with the issues or something just really fd up, because, this is what i used to tell myself, the masochist in me wants to fix them, make them better....but, time and time again, i seek out these men, and it never fails, i end up getting hurt....and even worse is that when i see them after the initial pain has been rendered, i still want them back....i realize these situations have been safe..its like, i go for the guy that i know wont last cuz that means i wont get too close, or at least thats what i tell myself, but, in retrospect, even if i dont get TOO close, i still start to or get attached, in turn, feelings are hurt....im so scared of love and being loved that ive deprived myself of all the positive emotions of relationships...so, i wonder, will it ever happen?will i be able to allow a healthy relationship to happen? or will i just keep sabotaging?i mean, i want to know that feeling, i want to be overwhelmed. i want to take that rollercoaster ride, with all the ups and the downs(i dont know how i feel about heartbreak though, not so sure i want to experience that!!)I guess i just look forward to that moment...when i think with my heart and not with my head, cuz so far....the heads been doin it all, and not so well i might add!! Ok, so...there's that....
Well, i can honestly say this is the longest committed relationship i've ever been in....it's only been one month, but it feels like sooo much longer....i'm speaking of course of my new....HEALTHY LIFESTYLE...you didnt think i was talking about a boy did you???No way dude....i aint got time for all dat!! No, seriously though...as of today its been one entire month...i cant believe i've sustained for so long....i'm not gonna lie...there's been a couple days when i've cheated, either by not doing my exercises...or consuming alcohol(sorry dad!!)but, all and all its proven quite effective(18 lbs. lost so far!!)..aside from the weight loss, i just feel sooo much better!!! Anyhoo....this past weekend was cool...on thursday my friend gretchen and i saw iron and wine at the hob...it was a really mellow show, but still cool....friday i escorted my friend tim to the gay bars on bourbon street(what fun!!)....and saturday during the day tim and i checked out the creole tomato festival...i swear there's a fest of some sort here every weekend...this one was pretty small in size(not the tomato, the festival!!)but, i did get to try a fried green tomato!! Saturday night we checked out the midnight showing of donnie darko, it was the director's cut, and it was awesome...Yesterday i tried to get some rest before heading to nyp....today im mailing my cousin his high school graduation present(i got him an mp3 player, and some local music cds, does that sound like a good gift? im just kinda nervous cuz he's like my little bro, and i really want him to like it!!)its strange how i'm already experiencing moments of aging, i mean...i clearly remember the day my aunt brought him home from the hospital, and this summer he'll be celebrating his 18th bday!!!Its crazy, im not that old, or am i???? Anyway, im sad to miss such an important event in his life.....what else?....oh this weekend my friend chris is coming to town and we're gonna catch the midnight showing of the goonies!!!! BABY RUUUUUUTH!!!! I'm so excited!!! Next weekend....the big lebowski!!!! Only two weeks til cali!!!!!!
It's strange how i seem to fall in love with this town over and over again...like, just when i think i know all it has to offer....there's somethin new...well, new to me at least...enter the summer midnight movies....each weekend throughout the summer several local theatres will show movies beginning at midnight...starting this weekend. I now officially have plans for the weekend....friday night...full metal jacket!! I havent seen that movie in sooo long, its playing at one of the older theatres in the city..its the old one screen theatre, with the old, uncomfortable seats, with no cup holders!!!(can you believe we did without for so long!!I guess i should prepare myself for the old "holding the cup between your legs til your inner thighs go numb"feelin!!)It should be awesome....Saturday's offering-Donnie Darko....I've only seen this one once, but this showing is the director's cut(whatever that means, sounds cool though!!), so hopefully it'll be a little different, plus its got jake gyllenhall, he's dreamy.....im sooo excited for tahoe on the 4th, brandi, i cant believe you're actually coming!!! Im really stoked....its gonna be a full house, which means, if nothing else, plenty of blogworthy material!!! Dad, i just want to say thanks...you really didnt have to...im really looking forward to getting to spend some quality time with you...oh, and you too sister!! Love you guys!!!!
So...whoever thought up that slogan is a god...not only did i get two tickets to see iron and wine on thursday(otherwise known as thirsty thursdays!!)i also got two mojitos for the price of one(i only had one, still tryin to take it easy on the drinkin tip!!).Its a beautiful thang!! Last week was pretty calm around these parts...jason and i went to see the new star wars on thursday...then we checked out 80's night at a bar in the quarter....he left friday morning...had a brief scare with my cell phone...thought id lost it...it was quite sad to see how freakin attached i actually am to that thing...its pretty sick!!! Saturday my friend tim and i went and checked out this show...the headliner was a skinny white chick who raps....its was awesome!!!! Still keepin up with my new healthy lifestyle....its so strange..this city, the french quarter in particular, in the morning...its almost like a normal, quiet town....except for bourbon street....its been confirmed, the stench of beer, piss and vomit is a constant!! I have tomorrow off...then i work until next tuesday....no big plans for the weekend, but...its still early!! I'm basically just counting down the days till california...3 weeks to the day!! Well, thats about it for now...