a twentysomething venturing into the crazy world of entrepreneuring(and, apparently, making up words!!) all while consuming mass quantities of alcohol. u dig?
So....lets see...its been a week...as of last wednesday, the green machine is offically in retirement...cuz..i bought a car!!! Its a new chevy malibu...its black...leather seats...sunroof...all the bells and whistles!! Im totally stoked!! So, my friends and i celebrated with my favorite dinner...teppenyaki(you know japanese where they cook the food in front of you!!)...and the biggest bottle of sake...ever!! Thursday i went gambling at an indian casino with my family(these casinos are all the rage out here!!!)i won $100 on a quarter slot machine!! Friday afternoon season and i drove up to huntington lake to go camping with her family and her sister(and about 20 of her sister's friends!!). Its somethin we've been doin every year for the past 5 years!!Friday night we went down to the saloon and realized we knew the bartender....Danny wilson, my 6th grade crush!!! Saturday we were supposed to go to the beach with some of my friends....instead we decided to stay up camping...they have a dance every saturday!! it was pretty cool!!! Camping was cool...seasons sister noelle always brings up way too many friends...they're all out of control...this time was no exception....i brought up my game, catch phrase...it was a huge hit!!! Sunday we went out to the lake for a few hours...then we headed home...or at least we thought we were going home. We stopped to eat at a spot thats usually got really good burgers....after waiting over an hour for our cold burgers...i changed my mind...then as we were about ready to head home(usually about an hour drive) we heard there was a bad accident causing a 3 to 5 hour delay...so after checking at a nearby gas station and meeting up with a guy who sounded like he new his way around the area...we decided to take an alternate route home...it turned out it was a dirt road...dirt and rocks, big rocks, boulders even(ok,so maybe not boulders, but i was in my new car..they seemed like boulders!!)we were averaging 10 mph...it took us two hours to go twenty miles..it was waaayy out of the way, and a much longer route...but, the scenery was amazing...i mean, ive probably driven up and down that mountain 50 times in my life...this was a way we'd never gone....it was sooo beautiful...at one point we pulled off the road cuz we saw a really cool stream...only in california!!! We got home early sunday night...i spent the night hanging with my friend chris(scooter)..his grandparents were fatally stabbed inside their home...his mom found them....its been a pretty traumatic experience...i cant even begin to imagine the pain.....its truly saddening to me..what people are capable and willing to do to others....for what?? they stole the grandmas credit cards and her cell phone....its just sad....so monday i drove up to sacramento....kicked it with dad and sis...today i met up with my aunt and my two cousins and we drove into the city....my cousin(he's 17,just graduated high school) and i were talking....about how he's never had cable t.v in his house...i was telling him how he was lucky, cuz im totally addicted to tv...i told him i've seen every season of the real world....he said."the real world, that's a show, right?"........wow....astonishing!!!!!!he said he'd rather read and listen to music....gawd...i feel like such a lazy bumb!!!! oh, thats right, i've been on vacation for like, ever...i am a lazy bumb!!!!
So...since noone else is reading this........noone but me anyway......do i really need to write anything? i mean, i already know what happened....i was there....for everything.....think i found a new car.....guess i'll put up a pic when i get it.....ok...bye
Sup....So im into my 5th day of officially being sick....it sucks!!!! So....im in the 'no town for the week...chillin out(not really chillin since its been well over 100 degrees every freakin day...but im not complainin...no sir....its still not half as bad as icky nawlins weather!!!)kickin it with homies...my mom and i got in early friday morning...both sick as dogs(thanks little cuz for that one!!!)....and i actually stayed in friday night!!!! I know its a freakin miracle, you know i had to be pretty damn sick to stay home on a friday in this place...such a party town!! whoo-hoo!!!! The good thing about this town is....i went out last night, and i feel pretty confident in knowing that the same lame ass people that went out friday were at the same lame ass place last night...so, its not like i really missed anything!!! Season and i watched the "new" charlie and the chocolate factory....so, we've totally been hyped about this movie since we heard they were remaking it...considering our borderline obsession with the first one(ok, so i know all the words...how can you not???seriously those freakin oompa loompa tunes are pretty damn catchy!!)then when we found out johnny depp was w.w.(he goes by dub dub in the hood byotch!!)we were totally in....so pretty much we've been hyping it ever since...and then we saw it...........................no, seriously, give me a minute............so the good news first(since there's so little of it!!)johnny depp has once again proven his innate ability to play the freakin strangest characters imaginable...seriously the guy is freaky!!! tim burton is a freakin awesome director...his warped sense of..well, pretty much everything is so unique its entertaining... the bad news....lets start by saying, although the rest of the theatre(it was soo packed, im reminded what little there is to do in this city!!)laughed periodically throughout the movie.... i didnt laugh once during the entire movie(unless you count the couple times i snickered, but that was out of disappointment...so, it doesnt count right?)neither did season....at one point she actually said, why arent we laughing??(cuz it wasnt funny!!)dont get me wrong....it was a good movie....i suppose if i was 9 years old...and had never seen the first...id having nothing to compare it too...kinda like when we used to drink natty ice and think it was quality beer(and a quality buzz)it was out of sheer nievte....funny, im comparing willy wonka to cheap beer..some mightve chosen to compare it to other life experiences, first loves, first loss, but not me..oh no, i chose beer....ahhh, sometimes i even astound myself!!! But, since i have seen the first(religiously some might say...ok, so i played violet in a 6th grade play...alright, there i said it...im not ashamed...and yes they turned me into a blueberry....there ive exposed my reasons...ive let down my wall...are ya happy now???)now, where was i??? oh, yeah, i feel let down.....it was a good effort....but i dont know...maybe i shouldve been stoned or somethin....it did have trippy potential!!! Anyway, after the movie we had a couple cocktails, met up with some friends, my meds wore off so i started feeling crappy, and we called it a night.....today, after sleeping the better part of the day.....i went to seasons...we invited a few friends and we bbqed it up...shes got a kick ass house with a sweet pool table and ping pong table....we kicked it for awhile....now im home.....gonna hit the hay....going car shopping tomorrow....thursday im going camping with seasons family(gawd i miss camping....it kicks ass!!!) Saturday a few of us are headed to pismo beach for the night....then im headed up north...gotta kick it with the bay area homies(and maybe do a little shopping!!!) alright....oh, so the quote of the night.....we were playing this word game called catch phrase(kinda like password)and its this metrosexual(still trying to determine his sexuality)friend of seasons turn...the category was sports...he was complaining that he didnt like sports and didnt really know alot about it....ok, so, its his turn....he has a word that he has to try to get us to get by describing it....he says "ok, so you know in martial arts....when you're not on the offense you're......" the word was defense.....dude...it was haaaalarious...i was like...offense???martial arts??? how bout, try, i dont know, football maybe, or basketball, shit even hockey, no, he chose martial arts?? do they even have offense and defense??... it was pretty damn funny....alright yall peace out!!!
So.....where was i.....oh yeah, so we ended up getting split up our first night.....the boys went out to harrahs and the rest of us stayed at my friend jasons party for awhile...we decided we were all drunk and hungry so we headed to harrahs to grub and hopefully meet up with the boys.....we did catch sight of the boys throwin down their game....the casino was packed...it felt like spring break or somethin....after eating(drunk meals are the best!!!)we decided to head back to the condo....once there, we realized we hadnt seen jeremy with the other boys....i called his phone and an officer from carson city police answered informing me that jeremy was in custody for a dui....how the hell did that happen????turns out he thought itd be a good idea to drive home from the condo(up in the hills!)jackass!!! he actually made it all the way down the windy road...and was on flat land, when he ran a redlight, realized it midway through the intersection, and slammed on his brakes....a cop was right behind him, saw the whole thing!!! nice!!! so that was the first night....on the 4th we had planned to spend the day at the lake....until we found out there was no alcohol allowed on the beach!!!!um, arent we in nevada? the state with like no liquor laws???what the f??so we headed back up to the condo, and got our drink on there....a little before sundown we headed down to the casinos to scope out a spot to watch the fireworks....this is yet another example of why travelling in packs...sucks!!!everyone wanted to do something different.....it was quite stressful for yours truly considering my incessant need to be a good hostess(dating back to high school parties, id end up stressing the whole night making sure everyone was cool, staying sober, while everyone got trashed!!!do believe ive more than made up for lost time!!)we finally agreed upon a restaurant on the top floor of the horizon for dinner and fireworks....we got split up and decided we meet there...turns out the dinner was at harveys...half of us went to horizon.....by the time we made it to harveys wed missed the other half of the group and the fireworks had started...which we couldnt see from where we were....we ended up in a dirt lot behind harveys...go figure!! it was still pretty awesome, they had really different fireworks....afterwards we hung out at jasons place then called it a night(morning if ya wanna get technical!!)tuesday morning the boys left super early(not before waking everyone else up!!!)the rest of the group left in the early afternoon....tara and brad and i walked around the stateline....wednesday my mom and her two friends came up....they're crazy women, so they fit right in!!!thursday my sister came up....friday random nate showed up...we kicked it at his freakin sweet house(think real world house meets log cabin!!!). He was supposed to stay til sunday(the day i left)instead he went home saturday morning....i just dont get this guy!!!! Its quite frustrating...i mean, i thought we had a good time, just hangin and stuff....then he says he's going home, cuz he doesnt feel well....what the f????whats your deal nate????anyway, it turned out pretty cool, me and the ladies had a crazy casino night!!!we left sunday morning and headed home!!! got crazy with the homies in fresno!!!monday morning we headed to san diego, nice 5 hour drive!!! we got to my cousins in the early afternoon and hung out.....tuesday i drove to newport to meet up with season and my friend coop!!!!newport's cool!!!there was no sun, but who needs sun when you have a bar!!!(shoutouts to john at the blue beet!!)i drove back to san diego late tuesday, and have been chillin since!! we're headed back to the 'no tonight.....oh, my 6 year old cousin said something at dinner last night.....her dad's a pediatrician...she was talking about his patients, and what kind of colds they have....and(great dinner conversation)how one kid was constipated....she said, "yeah, cuz you cant catch constipated!!"this kid makes me laugh!!!!anyway, i should be in fresno about a week...gotta buy a car, go camping, take a roadtrip with the homies, head up to the bay area, and drive back to new orleans!!so, yeah i pretty much dont have much going on!!!!!! hope all is well with all you nonvactioning peeps!! later!!!!
Well party people....its been what...a week and a half since ive written....just got into fresno from tahoe today...couldnt figure out how to work my internet while we were up there!! Which totally sucked cuz i had some pretty blogworthy moments...actually the whole time was pretty bloggy, and blurry!! I hope i dont leave out any crucial details since im having to reflect back.....which entails me using my memory....which is pretty shody considering all the alcohol ive consumed in the past 7 days(back at rockstar status!!!)...but here we go!!! So, i got hung out in sacramento spent some q.t. with my dad and sis for a few days(highlights:tri tip...yuuummm...i just dont think you non californians understand what you're missing out on here....delectable!!! one night my dad and i actually watched an entire season of the real gilligans island....i've decided tivo often does more evil than good!!!!shopping!!!nuff said!!!). Then i headed to south sac to hand out with my aunts and cousins!!! Fast forward to last sunday.....dre and jenn came to pick me up, followed by scooter(his real name's chris, but....well its kinda a long story, so just go with it, ok people???), and eric(i dont know eric that well, but, and this is a perfect example of the way fresno is, i met him one night at tgifridays, it was his 21st, i bought him shots and fell in love with his brother, a week later he was working at fuzio!!he's now supertight homies with all my friends from fuzio). we stopped at the cheesecake factory, and headed up the hill to tahoe...we got to placerville(about a half hour outside of sac)when we pulled over for a potty break....chris walked over with a pretty upset look on his face...some metal pulley thingy(yeah, thats the technical term!!)had broke off....ahh road trips!!!!we ended up having to leave his car....we piled into one car and made the rest of the trek to tahoe!! i had forgotten how freakin beautiful the drive up was....its funny, as a kid, the natural beauty of california amazed me....youd think growing up with it, as an adult, itd lose some of its appeal, but no...its still soooo freakin awesome!!! its definitely one of the big things i miss!!! so we got to tahoe, picked up some groceries and headed up to the condo....everyone pretty much arrived around the same time....so, by 7pm sunday all 11 of us were present and accounted for!!! We got the party started then hopped on the shuttle to head down the hill(the condo sits atop a major mountain, right next to heavenly valley, its pretty damn high in the sky!!)...we rolled up to a party my friend jason was throwing at a new hotel called the block....a band from fresno was playing(40 watt hype)they're pretty cool!!! the hotel is really cool!! But, as it always is with a group the size of ours, and boys who are ready to go ho huntin, our group got split up pretty early on....i guess i should give a list of characters before i go any further!! Lets see, there's me...janice, janky, jnice....the girls; Dre-my friend who lived with me in new orleans, Jen-my homey that worked at fuzio with me...god love her, but when this girl drinks, she gets SMASHED!!! Tara-this is my girl from high school, she came with her husband, Brad...they're cool, i love them!! so, that brings us to the boys; Christian-my dawg...my best guy friend, he's very camera shy, but i did get him liquored up enough to make a couple cameos in photos!! Wyrick-another one of my homeys from back in the fuzio days!! Neil-this is wyricks friend, hes crazy, thats why i love him!!! Jeremy-another dude from fuzio who now lives in reno!! who else....i already mentioned scooter and eric...oh, and my friend jason-i've known him forever...he's starting a clothing line, which is why he's involved with the hotel(delta 9, learn about it!!!)he didnt stay in the condo with us, but we hung out quite a bit....so i guess thats everyone...all the players...i've gotta run to the store...so part two will be soon, ill throw up some pics for now. peeeece!!