so...its valentines....yet another day that im reminded how many people i love!!! also another day that reminds me how happy i am to be single!!!! i mean really....theres just too much pressure on this day for people that are in a relationship!! i mean really!!! plus...theres just way too much chocolatey flowery cheesiness!!! not that i wouldnt mind if ya sent me either of those!! so...sorry ive been neglecting the bloggish!!! ive been working at cabo EVERYDAY for the past two weeks!! i finally have a day off tomorrow!! thank god!!! ive been real busy with work and socializing!! ive met some really kick ass people here!!! i love it!!! friends have been coming to visit....the weather is still amazing!! all and all im a pretty freakin happy camper!!!! everyones really cool up here....its kinda like i just belong here!!!! a feeling i havent felt in awhile.....i luv living with gonna be helping him out with his company....which is awesome!!! its crazy...we've been friends for so long....i never woulda guessed wed end up being roommates!!! so...ill be throwing some pics up.....sorry for the neglect....i wont let it happen again!!!

me and paula!!!

work fast AND flawless!! haha!!