Well, here it is the first day of a new year. I guess i should start by filling in on my trip to california. I got into cali on the afternoon of the 21st, spent three days with my dad in sacramento, then headed into fresno for the weekend of christmas. Most of my time was spent with my momma. We made tamales on christmas eve( ahh to taste REAL mexican food again!!!). Christmas day went and saw meet the fockers(not too impressed, although did manage to finish off a jumbo tub of popcorn, yessss!!!). Sunday morning my mom and i got up at 530am(i know, its what time id usually be getting in for the night, but, this was a worthy cause) to go shopping, we tore up the day after christmas sales!!! Sunday night my friends and i celebrated my birthday, and boy did i celebrate!! Lets just say on monday, my real bday, at around 5pm, when my mom and sister wanted to take me to dinner, i could barely bring myself to leave the comforts of the toilet(my friend/enemy for the entire day). Yeah, 26, woohoo, so what, thats how many hours my hangovers will last this year?? Anyhoo, tuesday am we drove up to sacramento to celebrate my aunts bday, then wed morning i was off to the airport to come back to the n.o. The time went by way too fast in cali. here's what i managed to take away from my trip
1. My new ralph lauren perfume(thanks sis!! it smells yummy)
2. The realization that sometimes, when running into to old high school friends, you should turn the other way, and run!!!
3. I will one day become my mother, and thats OK, cuz she rocks!!!!
4. Though im 2000 miles away, i still have great friends and family, who will be with me no matter where i am(gawd, that was so hallmarkish ).
5. Hangovers suck!!!!!!!!!
6. Japanese food is awesome!!!!!
7. My new KINGS beer coozie!!!!
8. Im right where i belong at this point in my life.
So, that about wraps up the cali trip!! Ive been working at the gclove since i got back. Last night i had to work, but got out early enough to hang with some friends, have some champagne, spell my name out in sparklers(yeah, they have fireworks here for new years, the fun never stops people), and manage to make it into work this morning sans hangover!! New Years Resolution: Enjoy life!!!