Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Gawd im gonna miss this kid!!!
Posted by Hello

Viva las vegas!!!

Well, last week went by way too fast. The rest of the work week was pretty uneventful. On thursday night i went with jason to pick up his uhaul truck. We spent all of friday and into the wee hours packing(yeah, this is why we're friends...he didnt bother to do any packing previous to friday!!). We ate jasons final meal in n.o at our fave, juans flying burrito. Got up wayyyy early sat. morning, and waved a tearful(ok...no tears....but, if you know me at all you know the whole cryin bit just aint my thang, so, if i couldve....)goodbye to my geniously quirky brotha. I knew from the moment he drove off, it wouldnt be the same around here, i was right. After dividing the rest of the day between sulking and sleeping, i went to work. When i got ready to go out(which took alot considering my serious state of depression....wink...wink..)i met up with athena, and we headed to a party she had heard of from the movie shes working on. It was awesome!!!! Actually meeting friendly, quality people. Having stimulating conversation. This was my kind of party, it reminded me of....ok, it didnt remind me of anything, but, it was definitely an experience i welcomed with open arms. We ended up leaving the party with a few new friends, and headed to a locals bar, known for its stiff drinks, and late hours(its open all 24 baby!!!). We brought along a few of these new friends, it was a great time!!! Yesterday morning jason made it to sin city. He started school today, and informed me of his plans for this evening....going to play beer pong at the aladdin casino. Its become obvious how difficult it will be for jason to miss me with forementioned events taking place nightly. BEer pong? How freakin awesome is that? We had our mardi gras staff meeting (yeah the WHOLE staff....all 6 of us!!!) last night....I have one official day off.....if nothing else, the two weeks beginning the 28th, will be blogworthy, no doubt!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

jazz and jude law

So, in case most of you are unaware, new orleans has become the hollywood of the south. In the few months since ive been here there have been about 5 movies shot in the city. The most recent brought sean penn and jude law. Ive heard spottings of them all over the city, but unfortunately, my only celeb run in up til tuesday night had been with the crazy guy who used to play carla's ex on cheers(hes totally wacked out now too, it was awesome!!!). So, on tuesday night, we decided to head out to the maple leaf bar so jason could catch the coolest show in town one last time. We had just entered the room, and were approaching the bar, when, i swear, straight out of a movie....i caught sight of two men sitting at a corner table in suits, there was a massive cloud of smoke hovering around them, when the smoke cleared i locked eyes with sean penn.....hello? yeah i said sean penn, he looked so...made(you know, like, the movie). And jude law, ohmigod!!! I mean he was just an image of perfection, and his girlfriend, sienna miller, she's freakin hot!! This experience was made even more amazing simply because, they were just hangin, ya know, no paparazzi, no entourage of security, just everyday superstars chillin out, listenin to some good music!!! I love this city!!

Monday, January 10, 2005

last goodbye

I want to start by saying i was fully aware of what i was getting myself into, with you. I knew the circumstances(eventually)and i now am faced with dealing with the consequences of my actions. You said something in our (final?) conversation friday night.....this was not a healthy relationship....that statement resonated for a few days, the irony became more and more evident...you see, if you really knew me at all, you'dve known i dont have "healthy realtionships", matter of fact, im quite sure i run away from them, being the creature of habit i am. In some akwardly masochistic im drawn to these situations, the non-healthy ones. I guess its sort of a comfort zone, i know, i cant/wont get too close, in turn, not allow myself to get hurt. Kind of like you're whole long distance thing, i guess its sort of a safe out, if things dont work out. Anyway, it was fun, you are a great guy. I hope things work out for you, its just too bad it wont be with me. But, like i said, i knew, i always know, maybe one day ill know better.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Dan, the dancin man

So, after what could be most easily described as a cluster"f" of a new years day at the garlic clove, i decided to go out(brace yourselves, I ACTUALLY MADE MONEY THIS WEEKEND, more on that lata)maxwell/chris and i went to dinner and jason met up with us. Aside from the usual new years tourist crowd in town, there was the 70,000+ here for the sugar bowl. Anyway, we decided to stay away from bourbon, and headed out to frenchman, little did we know, the destiny that awaited us. We went into one bar, then headed to a second, to the scene of the crime. That is where our lives were forever changed, by dan the dancin man. Ok, so we've all seen bad dancers, but bad, doesnt even begin to describe it. Most bad dancers acknowledge their lack of skill, and usually stick with one, maybe two bad moves, so as not to embarass themselves or anyone around them. Not this guy, oh no, he was sooo bad, and he actually kept making up new, even more bad moves as he was "dancing". I guess what made the experience so damn comical was that he was so confident in his dancing, i mean, i bet if we had asked him ya know, you're a pretty good dancer, he wouldve totally, 100% agreed. It was hilarious, i mean ive seen good and ive seen bad, but this guy will forever be imbedded in our brains because he was soo awesomely bad. After that experience, we proceeded to bourbon st. to see some kid get his head slammed into a wall for throwing a plastic cup of beer. Apparently the police had nothing else going on that night(insert thick sarcasm here). We decided to call it a night, and i was off to work the next morning. Yesterday was the sugar bowl, between auburn and v.tech. It was strange because there were sooo many more v.tech fans in town, and auburn(its in alabama)is a much closer distance to here than virginia. Anyway, it was a great game, and all the fans were real nice. Tomorrow is my little sister's 24th. I cant believe it. Anyhoo, this weekend should be fun, thursday night is the official start of carnival. And this weekend brings some good music acts to town. Peace

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Posted by Hello

still hangin
Posted by Hello

Hangin with the girls on my bday
Posted by Hello

2005 Day One

Well, here it is the first day of a new year. I guess i should start by filling in on my trip to california. I got into cali on the afternoon of the 21st, spent three days with my dad in sacramento, then headed into fresno for the weekend of christmas. Most of my time was spent with my momma. We made tamales on christmas eve( ahh to taste REAL mexican food again!!!). Christmas day went and saw meet the fockers(not too impressed, although did manage to finish off a jumbo tub of popcorn, yessss!!!). Sunday morning my mom and i got up at 530am(i know, its what time id usually be getting in for the night, but, this was a worthy cause) to go shopping, we tore up the day after christmas sales!!! Sunday night my friends and i celebrated my birthday, and boy did i celebrate!! Lets just say on monday, my real bday, at around 5pm, when my mom and sister wanted to take me to dinner, i could barely bring myself to leave the comforts of the toilet(my friend/enemy for the entire day). Yeah, 26, woohoo, so what, thats how many hours my hangovers will last this year?? Anyhoo, tuesday am we drove up to sacramento to celebrate my aunts bday, then wed morning i was off to the airport to come back to the n.o. The time went by way too fast in cali. here's what i managed to take away from my trip
1. My new ralph lauren perfume(thanks sis!! it smells yummy)
2. The realization that sometimes, when running into to old high school friends, you should turn the other way, and run!!!
3. I will one day become my mother, and thats OK, cuz she rocks!!!!
4. Though im 2000 miles away, i still have great friends and family, who will be with me no matter where i am(gawd, that was so hallmarkish ).
5. Hangovers suck!!!!!!!!!
6. Japanese food is awesome!!!!!
7. My new KINGS beer coozie!!!!
8. Im right where i belong at this point in my life.
So, that about wraps up the cali trip!! Ive been working at the gclove since i got back. Last night i had to work, but got out early enough to hang with some friends, have some champagne, spell my name out in sparklers(yeah, they have fireworks here for new years, the fun never stops people), and manage to make it into work this morning sans hangover!! New Years Resolution: Enjoy life!!!