Monday, January 10, 2005

last goodbye

I want to start by saying i was fully aware of what i was getting myself into, with you. I knew the circumstances(eventually)and i now am faced with dealing with the consequences of my actions. You said something in our (final?) conversation friday night.....this was not a healthy relationship....that statement resonated for a few days, the irony became more and more see, if you really knew me at all, you'dve known i dont have "healthy realtionships", matter of fact, im quite sure i run away from them, being the creature of habit i am. In some akwardly masochistic im drawn to these situations, the non-healthy ones. I guess its sort of a comfort zone, i know, i cant/wont get too close, in turn, not allow myself to get hurt. Kind of like you're whole long distance thing, i guess its sort of a safe out, if things dont work out. Anyway, it was fun, you are a great guy. I hope things work out for you, its just too bad it wont be with me. But, like i said, i knew, i always know, maybe one day ill know better.

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