Monday, May 16, 2005

The ball's kickin my ass!!

So, last week was fairly uneventful....meaning i only drank one night!!! Most of the time just kicked it with my moms...this is her last week here....i know my sister says she should cut the umbilical cord already.....i really dont want her to leave....its strange....referring to her as my mom, now, that i'm all grown up(dont go around tellin everyone!!),its seems almost insufficient in describing her role in my life...i think about how much contempt i had for her growing up...then one day i realized....this woman would give her right arm, if thats what i needed...she's always there for me,and though it at one time in my life seemed an unfathomable thought, i cant wait to be able to take care of her the way she so unconditionally has taken care of me!!!! Anyway, enough of that mushy mom and i also started working out together.....ok, so we were watching oprah, and my mom made me start with her....but its actually not that bad...we have to do cardio and resistance training everyday....we bought an exercise ball, and i was thinking,"how harmful can a big bouncy ball be??"yeah, it sooo kicks my butt, everyday!!!! Anyway, thats all we've been up to around here, the day mom leaves, jason's coming to town, he'll be here for 2 weeks!! I'm hopin june just blows on by so we can get to my month back in cali(july)!!! And my week in tahoe!!! I cant wait!!!! PEEEEEEEAAAAACE!!!!!!!

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