Sunday, August 21, 2005

trapped in minneapolis

So, tuesday morning i flew in to minneapolis on northwest airlines....this week so far has been awesome...among other reasons, a lovely escape from the humidity of n.o., a chance to visit with one of my closest high school friends(who is 6 months pregnant with her second child...the first is almost three)..a definite form of birth control..morgan is her name, and though the kid is smart and sweet as can be...she's definitely two!! Temper tantrums galore!!! Potty training(failed attempts anyway!!) provides plenty of humor!! Its been about two years since my last visit...downtown minneapolis has all the makings of a real big city downtown...plenty of bars and cute boys...plenty of quality shopping, ya know all the good stuff!!! So, im supposed to go home on tuesday morning...instead im stuck in limbo.....not that i have anything major to go home two...considering i pretty much quit both jobs before departing last week....we went to teppenyaki last night(wayyyy overpriced, it was like 30 bucks per person, nothing like japanese kitchen, back home!!!)the chef was doing his tricks when he grabbed an onion, attempting to do a trick with it, when it flew right down my shirt!! Luckily, id consumed enough sake that my face was already flushed, so my embarassment was masked by my drunkeness(i knew there was a reason i drank the way i do!!) Today the two year old wonder amused me to tears yet again!!!! I was commenting on the lovely day we were having, and suggested we do something outside i said"outdoorsy" she thought i said outdoors eat, her reply"doors dont eat janice..they just open and close!!" ok..the kids was hilarious!!! Im now a fan of mn. and could possibly, maybe, be spending some time here this winter...maybe!! Well, ill write more when/if i get back to nawlins!! Peace!!!

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