July, 2006-
Well, lets see.,for the 4th, jakes friend ryan had a party at his house!! Jake and his cousin were the house band for the night!!

it was awesome!! on July 7th i made the move back to fresno. I quickly began to spend lots of time with Jake. And spent very little time on the job hunt. In mid july we took a trip to san francisco for my friend amies bday. We saw the fray at the fillmore!! It rocked!!! At the end of the month we went to cayucos for jakes friends yearly trip. We had a blast!!!
So....that pretty much sums up july. August -moved along rather quickly. Much to my chagrin, i reluctantly got a job at cool hand lukes bartending. In mid august jake and i celebrated our 3 month anniversary. My first anniversary spent with a special someone. At the end of august i made my annual trip to minnesota!! i went the last week of aug. first few days of september. I got to see devan and the girls. We made a visit to the minnesota state fair. I ate cheese curds. They sound way worse than their mouthwatering taste. Its just like cheesesticks, xcept WAY better!!!! There was a shitload of people there. Holy crap, i didnt even know there were that many people IN minnesota!! In September- i said the dreaded three word phrase i never thought id hear myself utter.....I LOVE YOU!!!! EEEEEKKKKK!! i know!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT EITHER!!!!! But, its true. Im in love. I never thought id feel the way i do about jake. But, im thankful everyday that i have him in my life .Also, in september my mom got engaged!! To a 74 old jehovahs witness. I dont even know what to say to follow that sentence. I dont think its really even possible. so, i guess, ill just move on. I saw the movie little miss sunshine with my sis, and jake. INCREDIBLE!!! its definitely a MUST SEE!!! So far october has been pretty mellow. Dre's wedding is next weekend. Im in it. Although im really stoked for her...im in it, that means i have to wear a dress!! BLEEECHHHT!!! the next weekend. ive somehow volunteered myself to dress in egyptian garb for my cousins 8th birthday party. gotta love family!!! Then its halloween!! jakes birthday is in the beginning of november. we're hoping to take a trip up to tahoe. i really miss it up there!!!
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