Saturday, December 24, 2005
just wanted to wish yall a merry christmas!!! Im in sacramento splitting time between mom and dad.....its the first christmas in a while ive been afforded the opportunity to give gifts of meaning....ill be heading back to fresno on tuesday morning to celebrate my golden birthday.....we're gonna bowl!!! then its off to tahoe!!! woo-hoo!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Home for the Holidays....

me and the fam in mexico

Where to begin....i guess from the way, that would be the longest post ever... i mean i've got this story to tell, the story of me, im just not sure where the story goes,, pretty much sums it, its freakin beautiful, the water is sooo blue, wow, what an impoverished country, it was quite a culture shock, i mean, i knew mexico, was poor, but....imagine, as a child, not having the luxury of education(i guess i never even considered it a luxury until now), instead, being forced to work to provide for your family, public assistance doesnt exist, you HAVE to make a living to survive...some of these kids couldnt have been more than 2 years old....ok, anyhoo, what else, oh, wow, my family....ok, so ive been on vacations before with my mom(of course) and my aunt..but, id never been with my uncle, his wife(my aunt), or my cousin....lets just say some feathers were definitely ruffled!!! Overall i had a great time, i will definitely go back to puerto vallarta...i got to ride a donkey, drink from a coconut, and got a nice tan!!!!!! We got back last wednesday night, i stayed in sactown for thursday, on friday morning i headed to fresno, picked up my momma then we headed to san here hangin with my cousin and her family.....we head back to fresno on thursday, friday im spending the day in san fran for my friend dres 30th, saturday going to the uop/ fresno state basketball game(my friend richies a coach for uop), then its up to tahoe to start moving up my ish!!! Christmas will be spent in sac with my fam....then its my birthday, and back up to tahoe for new years!!!! Im really excited for promises to be a new chapter in the life of me!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
viva mexico!!
Well, its been quite awhile since ive spit some of my homegrown knowledge up on this piece. My trip back to new orleans(my first visit post katrina) was alot...alot to do, alot to take in....just alot...i actually had to take a timeout from all the reality and retreat to my fave coffeespot(they were part of the lucky ones who made it through unscathed!) where i pulled out my laptop and wrote...its funny the effect a REALity check has on truly gave me perspective. i came to realize some things i had sort of refused to realize up until now. ill probably put it up, probably. right now im on the eve of my trip to puerto vallarta. im really looking forward to this trip. its a place ive wanted to go for a long time, and i feel so privileged to even have the chance to go, muchless, go with my family(the people who, if ive taken anything from these past three months, ive come to realize, are the one thing i know, for certain, will always be in my life). Im excited to immerse myself in the culture(it is my culture ya know!!) and experience something new. so, ill try to put up pics throughout the week(yeah, ill be there for a whole week!!) Oh, i also enjoyed my thanksgiving day this year. For the first time in a long while, i was able to spend the day with MOM, DAD, and SIS. I have to say that i am one lucky girl!!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

this house is on west end....thats the water line just below the top of the door frame
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the now dump infested street (west end) that leads to the lake(ya know, the one that flowed into the city!!)
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where my unexpected/uninvited houseguests(also known as refuge seekers!!) set up camp!!
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
Only I understand me!!!!
Where oh where to, lets see...i wrote last monday....its been quite an interesting week and a half...drunken drama seems to have been the that much time i managed to piss off my best guy friend( it was a total drunken stooper moment, not that thats an excuse, ive apologized profusely, he's still not talking to me!!), in that same night i: totally broke down crying( dude, im so NOT a crier, i feel exposed, it sucks!!!) freaked out about my friends not letting me drive home(i was wasted, but, didnt want to leave my car...i guess, in my drunkeness, i felt kinda like it was all i have, which, i guess, is kinda true, since ive essentially been living out of my car for the past two months, which is probably why only i understand me!) oh, also in that same night had to call my mother at 2am, drunk as hell, and bawling, asking her to come pick me up(HI, im 26 years old, this should NOT be happening!!!),lets see, what else....oh, so, wednesday, got my hair did, i decided to do something drastic, i went blonde(SORTA)!!! Mom and i had a girls day on thursday before i headed out to vegas!!! I was so excited for this was my chance to spend time with jason, and season, and see some kick ass bands...well, i guess 1 out of 3 aint bad!!! When i got there thursday jason and i went to a hookah cafe(jaw cant get a hookah started to save his life!!) was really fun....later ahren and a couple of his friends joined was a pretty chill, friday jason and i had tickets to see dave matthews and tim reynolds(KICKED ASS!!!!) i was 4 double vodka/tonics when seasons plane got in and we were supposed to go pick her up...i will now quickly summarize the remainder of the trip, mostly because i could devote at least a couple pages, and i just dont think thats a good idea(for several reasons!!)so, around the same time season got in, coop also got there....confusion on whos picking up who, hung out in caesars, had my "best friend" attack my character....went to vegoose(A_W_E_S_O_M_E, atmosphere, my new fave!!!), watched said friend give false hope to coop.....Vegoose part two(even more awesome!!, saw MOE for the first time, also, jack, oh, jack, what more can i say!!!)went shopping(cuz said b.f. doesnt gamble), total time spent on strip-approx. 5 hours. total time spent in casinos, clubs, other fun stuff you SHOULD be doing while on the strip-way less than should be ALLOWED, or LEGAL even, yeah, i shouldve been penalized for wasting the party potential that is, thats the vegas trip in a nutshell---WOOHOO!!! demanding a rematch, me and vegas, ONE ON ONE, no other "drama" i mean, people!!!!!!!! oh, ive also been rejected from a job in tahoe, and then been told im being considered for the same job, HUH??? yeah, also, bought my ticket to fly "home" can/should i still call it that? i guess we'll see come november, yeah, im officially over fresno, and all the drama that surrounds it, i guess if that means having to dissolve "friendships" so be it...besides, im 26, i shouldnt have to be convincing my "friends" to be my friends, im too busy getting drunk and calling my mom for rides.....
Monday, October 24, 2005
still displaced
So, its been like two weeks since ive written a bad!! lets see...well two weekends ago i came to fresno for the weekend....on friday i drove from sac...i met up with some homies at the horse races...apparently they didnt feel it necessary to prolong the start of their drinking until my arrival, as a matter of fact my friend jenn was completely smashed by the time i got there...after paying almost twenty dollars to park, get into the fair, and paying to get into the horse races, i only ended up staying for about an hour cuz i had to take my drunk ass friend home.....went out on the town, saturday went to christians watched the usc n.d was a grrreat one!! then we headed to the fresno state homecoming game!!! it was actually really fun, and good to see people that i hadnt seen in quite awhile(usually i dread the whole, "how have you been" generic conversation, but i actually enjoyed running into everyone). On sunday it was seasons bday.(also my dads, hope u had a good one poppy!!)...we hung out for most of the day....then monday i drove up to sac for the night....tues morning i drove up to tahoe...on wed my friend jeremy drove in from reno....we went out and had a blast(also known as one too many red bull/vodkas!!)thursday i drove back to sac....on sat i drove up to the bay....hung out with my cuz on friend jenn was in the nike marathon on sunday....i was supposed to watch her cross the finish line....but, in true janice fashion....i got lost....she called me after she finished...we drove back to fresno....and here i am....i leave on thursday for vegas....its gonna kick ass!!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wad up party people....well, its been an interesting week, to say the least.....on monday i spent the day shopping with my aunts. i was supposed to go back up to tahoe with jason, but, that didnt work, tuesday i spent the day emailing my resume to a couple different places here in sactown(backup plan, figured if ive learned anything in the past month and a half, its that a backup is never a bad thing!!), on tues. night jason said hed found a cool spot in i decided to drive up there on wed morning....not only did i get pulled over for speeding("do you know how fast you were going?" ME-"not really officer, i was busy enjoying the beautiful natural scenery"- yeah, i really said that, good thing the "C" in CHP doesnt stand for cheeseball lines, i couldve been doing some serious time for that one!!)but, that bastard had the nerve to give me a freakin fixit ticket with like 5 totally absurd violations!! i totally gave him the finger as i sped off(fortunately my windows have the like, super dark, rockstar tint, so im pretty sure he didnt see me, but, it still counts, doesnt it???)anyhoo, when i FINALLY made it up to tahoe, i went to look at the house, and, ohmigod!! its freakin huge!!! its only about a 2-3 minute drive to the base of heavenly, and has a freakin meadow and a stream in the back!! i really hope we get it!! i will be back up there on tuesday for my test/interview at harrahs for their bartending school(dude, i get super nervous just thinking about it!!!!!) im really thinking that sac will be my next choice if tahoe doesnt sad i have to leave to go back to HELLNO(more commonly known as fresno!!) but, it should be a cool weekend....during the day im going to the races with the homies, probably just hang with my moms friday night, sat my friends are bbqing, then sat night is the fresno state homecoming game, after that theres a party at "the dining room". sunday is my best friends bday dinner at her family's house( its also my dads and renes"happy bday y'all!!!)...we'll probably get our shop on during the day, then im headed back to sac on monday, and tahoe on tuesday, depending on how that goes, ill decide if im gonna go back to new orleans next week, or if ill have to postpone it a bit longer!! still dont know the status of my possesions at this time, waiting on word from my boss.....alrighty...well, that about covers the haps for now, hope you're doing well, coop!!!(since, im pretty sure you're my only reader, ooh, check out nanowrimo, the thing i took a stab at last year, im gonna do it again this year, you should try it!!!k, later)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Sooo lets see....well last sunday i drove up to sacramento from fresno.....whew-hew!!! so, ive been staying at my aunts house this last week....i spent the first few days of the week just hanging out around town, sort of familiarizing myself a little better......on tuesday my cousin and i just hung out around town....he's a good kid(well, he's 18, so i guess technically he's not a kid, he'll always be my little cuz!!)..on thursday i drove up to tahoe with my was soooo freakin beautiful!!!! i took him around so he could snap some cool photos(he's a photographer!!!)it was cool....on saturday i got up at the crack of dawn(literally!!) to go set up my booth at a local craft fair(i said i was officially an old woman, you didnt believe me?), i went to sell my scarves(ive made about 25 so far!!) it was pretty cool...didnt sell as many as i wanted but, it was over around i pretty much had the rest of the day aunts and i went to another craft fair( ya know, old lady stuff!!), then we headed two aunts, two cousins and i, went out to sushi for dinner(sac has so many amazing restaurants!!!), then gil(thats my cuz) and i walked around the downtown areas art galleries, every second sat. of each month, all the local art galleries stay open late, have free drinks, and music, lots of other cool stuff!!! it was awesome!!! sooo yeah, what else....umm, well, i talked to jason(new orleans) the other day, he says the property manager of the condo told him there wasnt much property damage, but, there were signs of possible looting...grrrrreat!!!! so, yeah, got that to look forward to!!! other than that im planning on going back up to tahoe for a couple days this week...i think ill head back to the no(fresno, that is!!)on thursday, gotta hit up the races at the BIG fresno fair..hehe..and its my best friends bday on saturday, im thinking about going back to the big easy the week after next...then im headed to vegas on the 28th for vegoose!!!!its gonna kick still feeling very anxious about my living situation...i compare it to a break up of a relationship, i mean, its like being dumped for no reason...feeling super hurt, then angry, then wanting the person back, so, new orleans dumped me(and thousands of others, what a big ole pimp!!!)and now i want it back....even though i know things are probably just as bad, if not worse than when i, whenever i see something on tv, or hear something, i get that feeling, i try to remember that its really not the place i need to be right now....i guess the big question is where should i be? so....yeah, ok, ill try to throw up some of the tahoe pics its sooo b-e-utiful!!!!! later skaters!!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
im still here....
so...lets see....last tuesday i posted..this post will consist mostly of my selfish rant....basically im lost....i mean, not in the literal sense...well, maybe....i just dont know what im going to do....or where....or when....ive spent the last week going back and forth between a couple grateful that i even have options...but, its still not easy....i want to wake up tomorrow and have everything go back to the way it was...i almost said back to normal...but, i did live in new orleans,pretty much everything wasnt normal to begin with...i miss my friends...i miss the people i interacted with on a daily basis....i want my life back....this sucks...just when i think ive decided on a place to start over, i think about the big easy...and everything else pales...this may sound extreme...youd have to have been to that city before...i wish that everyone had had a chance to experience the magic that was new orleans...i want to go back. but, i know its not the smart thing to do when the long term is considered....jason will probably go back next week...i dont know if im ready for that yet....i just know that ive got to figure it out, and soon....being in fresno sucks...i appreciate that my friends and my mom are here...but, its literally breaking me...i have no motivation to do anything.....not even....DRINK!!! i know, its crazy i tell you...ive got to get out of here, and fast!!!! im planning to head up to sacramento sat. morning....should be sister and i had our most recent "incident", so, we're pretty much not speaking...since i usually stay with my dad when im in sac, i suppose ill be staying at my aunts house....ill be up there for a bit.....last weekend i saw dave chappelle, he crazy!! literally!!no, he was really funny, i needed the comic relief....other than that ive been reading, alot...and crocheting alot of scarves, and sleeping...ive basically turned into a retiree, at 26..awesome!!! so..oh, yeah, i signed up for myspace...that shit is live the video poker machines in new orleans, its like get hooked, and you cant stop....well, stay up party people!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
back in the 'no
well, i guess its been another two weeks since ive blogged..ive been a busy little bee...coping with the disruption that was katrina....trying to figure out what i do now.....and just being around family and friends.....i flew in to san diego on the 2nd.....i went out with kate(my host at the lakehouse)the night before in little was pretty cool...i drank a little too much(some things never change)and had to rush to the airport to catch my flight at 630 am.....i spent a week and a half in diego....chilled with my fam at my cousins house...she's my fave cousin since i was like 2 or 3....she's 35, and married with a 7 year old and a 1 year old...but, shes still cool as hell, and my fave...(my cousins kids had a carnival themed party, there was a bounce house, it was awesome!!)my mom and sister were there for the party(mom stayed for a whole two weeks, sis left on sunday)it was comforting to be around people that knew me....on thursday i went to my friend courts in ocean beach to see the season premiere of the o.c., yeah, im addicted, im not gonna lie...on friday, my cousin and i went out for a much needed day of pampering..(well, i definitely needed it, but she deserved it!!)friday afternoon my friend jason got to town...we had dinner with the fam, then went to visit his friend zig at work...we went to a couple of bars in ocean beach then headed home....on sat. morning we got up early and headed to the asr trade show at the convention center in downtown san was awesome....there were soo many popular brands there, showing there spring 06 lines....jason wanted to go to get an idea of what he should do when he sets up a booth there...he's just getting a new clothing line started...its called delta 9...check it out!!!im trying to help him get it off the ground in whatever way i, we spent all day saturday at the show...then went to the vip party afterwards in mission was awesome...mike jones performed...i felt very vip....afterwards, we drove to la mesa to hang with jasons friends...we ended up in some dive spot that had karaoke was hilarious...sunday i spent recovering and at my cousins packing up my stuff...sunday night we hung out with my friends court, seth, and jenny, and crashed out at their place....monday am, we drove to orange county stopping in shops all along the way.....went out in huntington beach, met up with my friend coop, and jasons friends from was pretty cool...i ran into like, 3 different fools from fresno, randomly....on tuesday we drove around huntington stopping at shops...then we met coop for lunch in newport and started drinkin!!! we ended up drinking all day, went to sushi for dinner, and went out to the blue beet in newport and kept on drinkin!!! wednesday am we headed to the garment district in la...i love, love, love this place, unfortunately we didnt spend but a few hours, i couldve taken a couple days....around 3pm we headed toward fresno....we got in around 7pm and i hopped on a train headed to pick up my sis picked me up from the train station(the freakin train was almost 3 hours late!!!). Thursday we hung out, went to lunch with my cousin...then drove to fresno...went out that night...realized i wasnt ready to be out in my town...constantly having to have conversations about what happened....the hardest is the political aspect...ive never been publicly opinionated about politics....but, after all this, ive got alot of issues...still, its hard for me to not say anything when people that are ignorant to the situation and the circumstances surrounding it, feel compelled to share their opinion. its like, "what the hell do you know?"anyway, i ended up calling it a night early and passing out at seasons....friday, i went to christians to get my car, ran some errands, went to jasons, and we were headed to big bear for the weekend. they had a snowboard took us almost 7 hours to get there(jason and i have a tendency, ok, its more like a disease, to get lost even when we have specific directions....)we checked in to our cabin late friday night...our place rocked, it was a posh log cabin, we got dolled up and headed out to the bars...jason brought his friends chad and radar....they were trashed, it was hilarious, watching them trying to spit game...i probably shouldnt have been laughing at them....but, i couldnt help was too funny...saturday i nursed a gnarly hangover...the boys headed to the competition, i tried to take a nap....headed to the find the guys already wasted...great...we had an afterparty to attend at 8pm... i basically mingled amongst the peeps at the party and made some new friends....sunday we made the drive to my moms sunday night....and ive basically been chillin out here in fresno since....done a little detox...starting to make arrangements for a fundraiser to benefit the hurricane relief effort....its probably gonna be in mid october...alright, well, now yall are all caught up!! talk to ya soon!!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Reality Bites
Wow...i just dont even know where to begin..i've tried to write this entry about 4 times..i keep starting and not being able to finish..i guess writing about it means im really having to deal with not even close to finished with it...but, figured i should put up what i have while its still, here goes...on august 29th, 2005 my life was forever changed...i have now experienced so many emotions to extremes i never imagined id feel them....i am a hurricane katrina survivor...i feel so lucky that i was willing/able to leave the magical city of new orleans on that sunny sunday morning.....people seemed to be carrying on with their normal daily lives....little did we know, we were leaving a city we wont soon see again...when we left the city, there was an unspoken mentality that we'd all be back very soon, that, as in years past, these evacuations mean nothing, that, "we're only gonna be gone for two days". And so, i accepted this mentality as my own, seeing as how this was my first evacuation, my nievte as far as preparedness was concerned has come back to bite me....i did very little to prepare jasons place....i packed my bag(and yes i only brought one)as though i were taking a weekend we embarked on what would become our almost 14 hour journey....reality set in....we made it only about 10 miles or so before we encountered stopped traffic.....maybe i should, at this time introduce my fellow friend marcia(we had only just met a few weeks before, and had just started hangin on a regular basis).marcias dog vinny(a 7 month old golden retriever), vinny, it turns out, would prove to be quite the confidant throughout this whole ordeal(i grew up around dogs, but, its been awhile since ive been around one..there were at one point, 7 dogs at the lakehouse, all of which were inside dogs)during those 5 days, i fell in love with vinny, and can completely understand why so many people refused to leave their dogs...we also went with marcia's coworker rebecca(whom i had just met on saturday)the three of us went out saturday night for a hurricane party, we ate dinner at one of my fave spots, parasols(bomb roast beef poboys), then headed to the gclove with all the usual suspects, and finally igors....little did we know, what seemed like a normal saturday in the city, would be the last we'd all spend together for quite some time....anyway, back to the trip... so, as we were stopped in traffic, and listening to the radio updates about the storm....we decided baton rouge(only about 60 miles or so west of new orleans)wasnt far enough away from the storm....rebecca said she had a friend in arkansas who said we could stay with, we drove, and drove, and stay in arkansas was quite pleasant considering the staying with people i dont even know(although Kate and her husband Brian, and Kate's family were all sooo awesome....i wont ever forget their hospitality and generosity), and watching all these people clinging to their lives(i was pretty much glued to cnn for like, the whole time we were there, it kept me sane, with the exception of the time spent out on beautiful lake hamilton)Kate was awesome...she really did her best to keep us entertained and try to keep our minds off of the storm and its aftermath..(we at arkansas bbq, went to the local mall, even toured one of the old bathhouses in downtown hot springs) on thursday morning, marcia left, headed to her hometown in new jersey...kate, kate's friend jamie and i headed to little rock(thats where my flight was out of, and where rebecca had driven for work)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
lootings, lawlessness, and the lake
In a time when people are hoping to live to see another day.....and sadness seems to be an ever apparent emotion in this lovely lakehouse in sadness is almost overcome by the actions of local new orleanians...dont get me wrong, i know its survival of the fittest in that city right now...there are things that we as humans need to exist on a day to day basis....power, water, food...all of these necessities were stripped from these is one expected to go from one day to the next? But, robbing, and stealing from your fellow that really what we've been reduced to? Call me nieve...but, arent there always other options? There just have to be, i mean, carjackings? really...come on...i see these people clinging to their rooftops, praying that safety will come...and these jackasses are raiding the walgreens to steal beer? These are the people that break the spirit of americans....i know it will take months and months to restore order to the city i so fell in love with...but how long, if ever will it take for these people to recover? I mean, an entire city, and all its peoples lives have been destroyed...i feel utterly helpless...i feel there is something i should be doing to help these people...yet i dont even know when ill be allowed back into the city....i drove out here with my friend marcia...she drove...i let my boss martha take my car, so she and her boyfriend, and their pets could get out of town... i dont know when ill see the green machine again, but im proud she was able to help people to safety..i have 4 friends that for some reason i still dont get decided to stay in new orleans and wait out the storm...i have not heard from any of not able to call them on their cell phones...i was told earlier this afternoon they were ok, but that was before the latest floods, so im now waiting to find out the prayers are with all these people in their time of need and may they, against all odds find a faith that keeps them going and keeps them safe....oh, and a small side note, we went out on the lake today and, yeah, i dropped my cell phone in the lake, good to see no matter what life throws at me, im still the same old janice!!!
Monday, August 29, 2005
I hate Katrina!!!
its monday in hot springs arkansas(wherever that is!!). We left new orleans at 7am sunday morning, drove for 13 hours, and ended up at a lakehouse here in hot springs...its beautiful....the sun is shining...we're right on lake hamilton...however, my house is, probably underwater, the levee in the french quarter has broke....i guess im kinda in shock..i have a few friends that didnt make it out of the very worried about them...just thought id throw an update up here....ill write more up here later on today...god bless
Saturday, August 27, 2005
the sky is falling!! the sky is falling!!!
So....a hurricane is coming....i have to leave....i dont know where im going...what im taking with me...i mean, its like, all thats important, not to sound too me...although, i will definitely be taking a suitcase, with all the important clothing...and my tivo, you know, the stuff i simply cant live without!!! so, im going home to pack, board up the house, put everything im not taking in the shower(jason says its the safest place in the house!!), have a bottle of wine, and head out early in the am(4ish). The storm is projected to hit here in the early morning on monday.....this shit is scary...i mean, im really not good at handling situations that are out of my control...this one pretty much takes the cake... the projected path keeps changing from hour to hour, at this point, new orleans is pretty much gonna get slammed by this category 4(thats 4 out of 5) hurricane. I dont know how to handle this, on so many levels...what do i do to my house(jason's house)? How much do i take with me? I mean, it really is just stuff..but, still, i love my stuff... im pretty much freakin guess i'll update tomorrow when i get wherever im going!! Pray for the best!!! Much love!!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
trapped in minneapolis
So, tuesday morning i flew in to minneapolis on northwest airlines....this week so far has been awesome...among other reasons, a lovely escape from the humidity of n.o., a chance to visit with one of my closest high school friends(who is 6 months pregnant with her second child...the first is almost three)..a definite form of birth control..morgan is her name, and though the kid is smart and sweet as can be...she's definitely two!! Temper tantrums galore!!! Potty training(failed attempts anyway!!) provides plenty of humor!! Its been about two years since my last visit...downtown minneapolis has all the makings of a real big city downtown...plenty of bars and cute boys...plenty of quality shopping, ya know all the good stuff!!! So, im supposed to go home on tuesday morning...instead im stuck in limbo.....not that i have anything major to go home two...considering i pretty much quit both jobs before departing last week....we went to teppenyaki last night(wayyyy overpriced, it was like 30 bucks per person, nothing like japanese kitchen, back home!!!)the chef was doing his tricks when he grabbed an onion, attempting to do a trick with it, when it flew right down my shirt!! Luckily, id consumed enough sake that my face was already flushed, so my embarassment was masked by my drunkeness(i knew there was a reason i drank the way i do!!) Today the two year old wonder amused me to tears yet again!!!! I was commenting on the lovely day we were having, and suggested we do something outside i said"outdoorsy" she thought i said outdoors eat, her reply"doors dont eat janice..they just open and close!!" ok..the kids was hilarious!!! Im now a fan of mn. and could possibly, maybe, be spending some time here this winter...maybe!! Well, ill write more when/if i get back to nawlins!! Peace!!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Its just pizza
So....its been a week....lets see...last week was pretty cool...on tuesday night i met two cool from belgium, and one from jolly old england....we hung out late night tuesday and made plans to catch a live show wednesday night....after nursing my hangover for much of wednesday, and catching my new fave shows(in no particular order); "so, you think you can dance" my main attraction to this show is my own personal failure as a dancer.....i think its fair to say i had definite potential....then i became a teenager, and all the social distractions of this time in my life, seemed much more alluring than having to work and sweat my ass off everyday for hours on end....(had i stuck with it...i couldve been on this show, ok, maybe not, at the very least, i could be teaching, like my best far as money to be made in that industry....lets just say, shes never"struggling" in the financial dept.). the next two shows are both on the fx channel....rescue me(who knew dennis leary could be so freakin sexy?), and starved( a new comedy about a group of friends who all suffer from different eating disorders) we headed out to le bons temp roule to catch the soul rebels brass band. I had been to see them play at this bar only a couple times before....i will now try to attend more frequently....the most kick ass part of the show is the extremely intimate setting. i mean you're basically elbow to elbow with everyone, but still manage to get your dance on, and feel the music...after quite the long couple weeks of partying i decided to take the weekend off. I stayed home thursday through last night(after coming home from work) caught up on my tivoed shows(god bless tivo!!)and started packing for my trip to minneapolis...i leave tomorrow morning....i'll be there til next tuesday...when i get home i will, hopefully, be starting a new so over both the g. clove, and nyp(on my last shift at nyp, a woman, over the phone, went ballistic on me, yelling at me because she said i was the most unpleasant person she'd ever spoken to. My reply? "lady, its just pizza!!!"). Well, i'll try not to have too much fun in the midwest...
Monday, August 08, 2005
back in the dirty dirty!!!!
so...the modem on my computer shit on, i have to use my wireless doesnt work at my house....this is not an excuse for my lack of postage as of is simply a tidbit of info anted to, lets last post was from b-e-a-u-tiful san fran. I had mucho fun times there with my aunt and two cousins....we were all over that place!!! I went to pleasant hill and hung out with my crazy ass friend gabe!! We went out in walnut creek, his crazy ass girlfriend got super drunk and got pissed off at him and took off!! Girlfriends!!! I called (cant believe i actually gave you a second chance, for you to turn around and blow me off again!!!)nate...and, surprise, surprise...he didnt return my call!! So, i guess the lesson to be learned from all his bullshit is....boys suck!!!! Not that i didnt already know that...he just pretty much confirmed it for me(for about the 50th time!!). So, i drove home sunday from san fran..but not before making the standard stop at the pro mac store....its frightening how easy it is to spend 200 on makeup!! I drove in to fresno for one last night with the homeys, then it was off to sac town monday to catch my flight tuesday....i left my new car in sacto. partly because i can only imagine how quickly itd get stolen or dinged up parked in the french q. and partly cuz i still gots the green machine here(she hasnt quit on me yet!!). I met a cool cat on the plane ride thats from new orleans...we had a couple hour layover in we just grabbed some brewskis and got to know each other...he's a bartender as was cool to meet someone who could potentially be a new friend...i know what you're thinkin..but he has a girlfriend..and he's like 5'6, so that'd never work!!! Anyway, got home late tuesday....met up with my friend tim at igors...i didnt want to go home because the power got shut off....yeah, so...i stayed at tims...turned the power back on...and ended up going to visit my new friend at his work with my friend gretchen...we went out later that night...i ended up crashing at her house...and woke up tuesday morning realizing i had parked my car on a street cleaning street..yeah, i got my shit towed!!! On the second night home!!! Im a JACKASS!! Dont even ask how many times that makes it!! You dont want to know!!! No, seriously you dont!!! So, yeah, thursday was pretty much a recovery day....friday i worked at the g. clove...after work we all went next door to igors...i met a guy...we'll see what happens....not gonna get too excited...gotta set the bar low.....saturday my friend chris drove in from lafayette....he brought a couple of his friend gretchen came over with a couple of her friends, we all went out!! It was a kick ass time!!! Yesterday i went out to a free summer festival they have every year in honor of the great louis was sooo freakin hot and humid...but the music was awesome, so, although there wasnt a monetary could say you paid by totally wreaking at the end of the was definitely worth it!!! Today ive just been hangin i dont work until going to a couple new restaurants tomorrow..we'll see what becomes of that....oh, i just found out about this festival halloween weekend in vegas...the lineup looks pretty legit!! im definitely considering it!! check it out Alrighty....hope all is well with the rest of y'all!!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Summer in the city!!!
So....lets see...its been a of last wednesday, the green machine is offically in retirement...cuz..i bought a car!!! Its a new chevy malibu...its black...leather seats...sunroof...all the bells and whistles!! Im totally stoked!! So, my friends and i celebrated with my favorite dinner...teppenyaki(you know japanese where they cook the food in front of you!!)...and the biggest bottle of sake...ever!! Thursday i went gambling at an indian casino with my family(these casinos are all the rage out here!!!)i won $100 on a quarter slot machine!! Friday afternoon season and i drove up to huntington lake to go camping with her family and her sister(and about 20 of her sister's friends!!). Its somethin we've been doin every year for the past 5 years!!Friday night we went down to the saloon and realized we knew the bartender....Danny wilson, my 6th grade crush!!! Saturday we were supposed to go to the beach with some of my friends....instead we decided to stay up camping...they have a dance every saturday!! it was pretty cool!!! Camping was cool...seasons sister noelle always brings up way too many friends...they're all out of control...this time was no exception....i brought up my game, catch was a huge hit!!! Sunday we went out to the lake for a few hours...then we headed home...or at least we thought we were going home. We stopped to eat at a spot thats usually got really good burgers....after waiting over an hour for our cold burgers...i changed my mind...then as we were about ready to head home(usually about an hour drive) we heard there was a bad accident causing a 3 to 5 hour after checking at a nearby gas station and meeting up with a guy who sounded like he new his way around the area...we decided to take an alternate route turned out it was a dirt road...dirt and rocks, big rocks, boulders even(ok,so maybe not boulders, but i was in my new car..they seemed like boulders!!)we were averaging 10 took us two hours to go twenty was waaayy out of the way, and a much longer route...but, the scenery was amazing...i mean, ive probably driven up and down that mountain 50 times in my life...this was a way we'd never was sooo one point we pulled off the road cuz we saw a really cool stream...only in california!!! We got home early sunday night...i spent the night hanging with my friend chris(scooter)..his grandparents were fatally stabbed inside their home...his mom found them....its been a pretty traumatic experience...i cant even begin to imagine the pain.....its truly saddening to me..what people are capable and willing to do to others....for what?? they stole the grandmas credit cards and her cell phone....its just monday i drove up to sacramento....kicked it with dad and i met up with my aunt and my two cousins and we drove into the cousin(he's 17,just graduated high school) and i were talking....about how he's never had cable t.v in his house...i was telling him how he was lucky, cuz im totally addicted to tv...i told him i've seen every season of the real world....he said."the real world, that's a show, right?"!!!!!!he said he'd rather read and listen to music....gawd...i feel like such a lazy bumb!!!! oh, thats right, i've been on vacation for like, ever...i am a lazy bumb!!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
nobody reads this shit anyway!!!
So...since noone else is reading this........noone but me i really need to write anything? i mean, i already know what happened....i was there....for everything.....think i found a new car.....guess i'll put up a pic when i get it.....ok...bye
Monday, July 18, 2005
I want a golden ticket!!!!!
Sup....So im into my 5th day of officially being sucks!!!! in the 'no town for the week...chillin out(not really chillin since its been well over 100 degrees every freakin day...but im not sir....its still not half as bad as icky nawlins weather!!!)kickin it with mom and i got in early friday morning...both sick as dogs(thanks little cuz for that one!!!)....and i actually stayed in friday night!!!! I know its a freakin miracle, you know i had to be pretty damn sick to stay home on a friday in this place...such a party town!! whoo-hoo!!!! The good thing about this town is....i went out last night, and i feel pretty confident in knowing that the same lame ass people that went out friday were at the same lame ass place last, its not like i really missed anything!!! Season and i watched the "new" charlie and the chocolate, we've totally been hyped about this movie since we heard they were remaking it...considering our borderline obsession with the first one(ok, so i know all the can you not???seriously those freakin oompa loompa tunes are pretty damn catchy!!)then when we found out johnny depp was w.w.(he goes by dub dub in the hood byotch!!)we were totally pretty much we've been hyping it ever since...and then we saw, seriously, give me a the good news first(since there's so little of it!!)johnny depp has once again proven his innate ability to play the freakin strangest characters imaginable...seriously the guy is freaky!!! tim burton is a freakin awesome director...his warped sense of..well, pretty much everything is so unique its entertaining... the bad news....lets start by saying, although the rest of the theatre(it was soo packed, im reminded what little there is to do in this city!!)laughed periodically throughout the movie.... i didnt laugh once during the entire movie(unless you count the couple times i snickered, but that was out of, it doesnt count right?)neither did one point she actually said, why arent we laughing??(cuz it wasnt funny!!)dont get me was a good movie....i suppose if i was 9 years old...and had never seen the having nothing to compare it too...kinda like when we used to drink natty ice and think it was quality beer(and a quality buzz)it was out of sheer nievte....funny, im comparing willy wonka to cheap beer..some mightve chosen to compare it to other life experiences, first loves, first loss, but not me..oh no, i chose beer....ahhh, sometimes i even astound myself!!! But, since i have seen the first(religiously some might say...ok, so i played violet in a 6th grade play...alright, there i said not ashamed...and yes they turned me into a blueberry....there ive exposed my reasons...ive let down my wall...are ya happy now???)now, where was i??? oh, yeah, i feel let was a good effort....but i dont know...maybe i shouldve been stoned or did have trippy potential!!! Anyway, after the movie we had a couple cocktails, met up with some friends, my meds wore off so i started feeling crappy, and we called it a, after sleeping the better part of the day.....i went to seasons...we invited a few friends and we bbqed it up...shes got a kick ass house with a sweet pool table and ping pong table....we kicked it for im home.....gonna hit the hay....going car shopping tomorrow....thursday im going camping with seasons family(gawd i miss kicks ass!!!) Saturday a few of us are headed to pismo beach for the night....then im headed up north...gotta kick it with the bay area homies(and maybe do a little shopping!!!) alright....oh, so the quote of the night.....we were playing this word game called catch phrase(kinda like password)and its this metrosexual(still trying to determine his sexuality)friend of seasons turn...the category was sports...he was complaining that he didnt like sports and didnt really know alot about it....ok, so, its his turn....he has a word that he has to try to get us to get by describing it....he says "ok, so you know in martial arts....when you're not on the offense you're......" the word was was haaaalarious...i was like...offense???martial arts??? how bout, try, i dont know, football maybe, or basketball, shit even hockey, no, he chose martial arts?? do they even have offense and defense??... it was pretty damn funny....alright yall peace out!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
still lovin it!!!
So.....where was i.....oh yeah, so we ended up getting split up our first night.....the boys went out to harrahs and the rest of us stayed at my friend jasons party for awhile...we decided we were all drunk and hungry so we headed to harrahs to grub and hopefully meet up with the boys.....we did catch sight of the boys throwin down their game....the casino was felt like spring break or somethin....after eating(drunk meals are the best!!!)we decided to head back to the condo....once there, we realized we hadnt seen jeremy with the other boys....i called his phone and an officer from carson city police answered informing me that jeremy was in custody for a the hell did that happen????turns out he thought itd be a good idea to drive home from the condo(up in the hills!)jackass!!! he actually made it all the way down the windy road...and was on flat land, when he ran a redlight, realized it midway through the intersection, and slammed on his brakes....a cop was right behind him, saw the whole thing!!! nice!!! so that was the first night....on the 4th we had planned to spend the day at the lake....until we found out there was no alcohol allowed on the beach!!!!um, arent we in nevada? the state with like no liquor laws???what the f??so we headed back up to the condo, and got our drink on there....a little before sundown we headed down to the casinos to scope out a spot to watch the fireworks....this is yet another example of why travelling in!!!everyone wanted to do something was quite stressful for yours truly considering my incessant need to be a good hostess(dating back to high school parties, id end up stressing the whole night making sure everyone was cool, staying sober, while everyone got trashed!!!do believe ive more than made up for lost time!!)we finally agreed upon a restaurant on the top floor of the horizon for dinner and fireworks....we got split up and decided we meet there...turns out the dinner was at harveys...half of us went to the time we made it to harveys wed missed the other half of the group and the fireworks had started...which we couldnt see from where we were....we ended up in a dirt lot behind harveys...go figure!! it was still pretty awesome, they had really different fireworks....afterwards we hung out at jasons place then called it a night(morning if ya wanna get technical!!)tuesday morning the boys left super early(not before waking everyone else up!!!)the rest of the group left in the early afternoon....tara and brad and i walked around the stateline....wednesday my mom and her two friends came up....they're crazy women, so they fit right in!!!thursday my sister came up....friday random nate showed up...we kicked it at his freakin sweet house(think real world house meets log cabin!!!). He was supposed to stay til sunday(the day i left)instead he went home saturday morning....i just dont get this guy!!!! Its quite frustrating...i mean, i thought we had a good time, just hangin and stuff....then he says he's going home, cuz he doesnt feel well....what the f????whats your deal nate????anyway, it turned out pretty cool, me and the ladies had a crazy casino night!!!we left sunday morning and headed home!!! got crazy with the homies in fresno!!!monday morning we headed to san diego, nice 5 hour drive!!! we got to my cousins in the early afternoon and hung out.....tuesday i drove to newport to meet up with season and my friend coop!!!!newport's cool!!!there was no sun, but who needs sun when you have a bar!!!(shoutouts to john at the blue beet!!)i drove back to san diego late tuesday, and have been chillin since!! we're headed back to the 'no tonight.....oh, my 6 year old cousin said something at dinner last night.....her dad's a pediatrician...she was talking about his patients, and what kind of colds they have....and(great dinner conversation)how one kid was constipated....she said, "yeah, cuz you cant catch constipated!!"this kid makes me laugh!!!!anyway, i should be in fresno about a week...gotta buy a car, go camping, take a roadtrip with the homies, head up to the bay area, and drive back to new orleans!!so, yeah i pretty much dont have much going on!!!!!! hope all is well with all you nonvactioning peeps!! later!!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Lovin it(life that is)
Well party people....its been what...a week and a half since ive written....just got into fresno from tahoe today...couldnt figure out how to work my internet while we were up there!! Which totally sucked cuz i had some pretty blogworthy moments...actually the whole time was pretty bloggy, and blurry!! I hope i dont leave out any crucial details since im having to reflect back.....which entails me using my memory....which is pretty shody considering all the alcohol ive consumed in the past 7 days(back at rockstar status!!!)...but here we go!!! So, i got hung out in sacramento spent some q.t. with my dad and sis for a few days(highlights:tri tip...yuuummm...i just dont think you non californians understand what you're missing out on here....delectable!!! one night my dad and i actually watched an entire season of the real gilligans island....i've decided tivo often does more evil than good!!!!shopping!!!nuff said!!!). Then i headed to south sac to hand out with my aunts and cousins!!! Fast forward to last sunday.....dre and jenn came to pick me up, followed by scooter(his real name's chris, but....well its kinda a long story, so just go with it, ok people???), and eric(i dont know eric that well, but, and this is a perfect example of the way fresno is, i met him one night at tgifridays, it was his 21st, i bought him shots and fell in love with his brother, a week later he was working at fuzio!!he's now supertight homies with all my friends from fuzio). we stopped at the cheesecake factory, and headed up the hill to tahoe...we got to placerville(about a half hour outside of sac)when we pulled over for a potty break....chris walked over with a pretty upset look on his face...some metal pulley thingy(yeah, thats the technical term!!)had broke off....ahh road trips!!!!we ended up having to leave his car....we piled into one car and made the rest of the trek to tahoe!! i had forgotten how freakin beautiful the drive up was....its funny, as a kid, the natural beauty of california amazed me....youd think growing up with it, as an adult, itd lose some of its appeal, but no...its still soooo freakin awesome!!! its definitely one of the big things i miss!!! so we got to tahoe, picked up some groceries and headed up to the condo....everyone pretty much arrived around the same, by 7pm sunday all 11 of us were present and accounted for!!! We got the party started then hopped on the shuttle to head down the hill(the condo sits atop a major mountain, right next to heavenly valley, its pretty damn high in the sky!!)...we rolled up to a party my friend jason was throwing at a new hotel called the block....a band from fresno was playing(40 watt hype)they're pretty cool!!! the hotel is really cool!! But, as it always is with a group the size of ours, and boys who are ready to go ho huntin, our group got split up pretty early on....i guess i should give a list of characters before i go any further!! Lets see, there's me...janice, janky, jnice....the girls; Dre-my friend who lived with me in new orleans, Jen-my homey that worked at fuzio with me...god love her, but when this girl drinks, she gets SMASHED!!! Tara-this is my girl from high school, she came with her husband, Brad...they're cool, i love them!! so, that brings us to the boys; Christian-my best guy friend, he's very camera shy, but i did get him liquored up enough to make a couple cameos in photos!! Wyrick-another one of my homeys from back in the fuzio days!! Neil-this is wyricks friend, hes crazy, thats why i love him!!! Jeremy-another dude from fuzio who now lives in reno!! who else....i already mentioned scooter and eric...oh, and my friend jason-i've known him forever...he's starting a clothing line, which is why he's involved with the hotel(delta 9, learn about it!!!)he didnt stay in the condo with us, but we hung out quite a i guess thats everyone...all the players...i've gotta run to the part two will be soon, ill throw up some pics for now. peeeece!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
California here we come.....
Well...I'm finally here....and let me start by saying....whew...what a could say i went out with a bang....figuratively speaking, of course. I guess I'll start with Friday...Gretchen and I had lunch at a really good sushi joint....tim called me to ask if i wanted to work a vodka party sponsored by rain vodka....unfortunately i was already scheduled to work at i volunteered zach....this is where i went wrong....zach and i had plans to catch the midnight showing of the big lebowski.....but, zach and free booze a sober man do not make....I called him when i got off work....he didnt sound too trashed, so i told him id meet him at the bourbon the time i got there he was already 8 white russians(caucasians) deep....i thought id try to sober him up with some soda and popcorn....i realized it was no use when he attempted to light a cigarette in the middle of the theatre.....i was tempted to just leave him...but, he was soo wasted i was afraid of what would happen if i left him drunk in the french quarter to his own devices....when i got home(it was only like, 1230)i called my friend todd and the evening wasnt a total wash....caught yet another sunrise on the rooftop....saturday i worked at nyp...a friend from there had a party at her house...a guy we work with is moving to spain for school, another just got in town, and im taking a leave(of sorts!!)....Laura(the girl who had the party) has a sweet house in uptown...she lives with a bunch of grad students....their house is very artsy...when we walked in there was a clear shower curtain hanging on the wall, with a couple permanent markers laying on the was a sort of graffiti art/yearbook signing type was really the end of the night my not so sober self was involved in quite an intense game of hangman on said shower curtain.....This was a very chill coworkers and i just sat in a big circle and shot the shit....i decided i work with a lot of kick ass peeps...we were all chillin outside when out of nowhere its started super storming....gretchen and i wanted nothing more than to frolick in the rain...we opted against it....i didnt leave the party till around 530am..considering i didnt get there til around 1am i guess its not that bad...i guy i work with named curtis(he's super cute and cool....he's 20...there's always a catch!!)stayed there for awhile, bullshitting and trying to sober up!! Sunday i was super hungover, my friend chris drove in from lafayette to hang before i left....we ate lunch at nyp, then i had to work....its ironic, it was my last shift and we were soooooo freakin slammed, it was insane, i literally sweat out my hangover!! After i got off chris and i just hung out, stayed up late watching the karate kid part two(god the 80's were soooo cheesy,and the fashion, oh my gawd!!), and chatting. Monday morning i attempted to start my not what youd call a "light packer" by any means....quite the contrary im a compulsive overpacker....i guess its partially because i have way more, clothing, shoes, accessories, than some department stores...which explains why the last three times ive traveled ive had to pay the heavy bag fee...but, much to my surprise, i actually finished packing yesterday...a whole day before i left....thats definitely a the afternoon i walked around the quarter to run some last minute errands....i was overwhelmed with this sadness, like it was my last time there or something......made one last stop at the garlic clove....picked up my final paycheck( a whopping $30....why did i work there for 6 entire months again???) I had a couple of friends over for my farewell evening....tim and chas came by and we decided to go visit drunk ass zach at the gay bar he works at(he's straight). gretchen stopped by and we all just hung out for, this morning....i randomly woke up at 830 realizing my car was parked on a tuesday tow street....i totally freakin fitting would it be for my car to get towed mere hours before im to depart this city......luckily the green machine was still where id left her on monday.....i came home and got ready to take off.....just as im rolling my heavy ass suitcase out the door...its starts pouring down.....what the hell???? what is happening? are these signs i shouldnt be leaving? I mean, i am leaving at a time when everything seems to fit....i've made some really cool new friends, i like my job(sorta, well, i like it more than the clove, so, ya know, thats an improvement!)...i just worry,with all thats to happen in this month im home....will i still have that same feeling when i get back???? guess we'll have to wait and see....for now, im stoked to be back in cali...i'll be hanging in sacramento this week.....on sunday im headed to tahoe!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Sunrise over the city
I'm listening to Jimmy Eat World right now....track 7.....drugs or me....this, this whole freakin cd(futures)....amazing!! I got this cd at christmas, and listened to a couple of tracks off of it...but only in the last couple weeks did i play the whole thing and realize....i love it!!!I enjoy EVERY track...that doesnt happen alot..ya gotta give it a listen,its time well spent!!
So, yesterday was a full moon.......I'm convinced that full moons in this city make it even more strange and random than normal....This whole week has been pretty random...but the past couple days have seen especially high levels of random encounters, acts,events. So....i've been working at the garlic clove everyday.....monday was pretty was trivial pursuit night....the bartender plays with a couple of regulars and any random bar patrons that wish to join in....trivial pursuit is like...the longest game ever...longer than monopoly....its even longer than that war game risk(my dad was totally addicted to this board game...then he got it on his computer...that was the end of dad for awhile...he would play online....its crazy how many people love this game...i dont get it!!!) that was friend todd randomly called me( i havent spoken to him in months)we hung out at igors when i got off work....he left....i stayed...the rest of the evening entailed eating 1 chicken nugget(then feeling overwhelmed with guilt...damn you fat kid eating habits!!!!)having a conversation with a chef whos ex-girlfriend stabbed him(twice...meaning two seperate occasions),had him sent to jail, only for him to go back to her....note to self:gotta start stabbin the men to keep em it!!Having another conversation with a fitness trainer...he actually got out of his barstool and started showing me the type of squats i needed to do to work on my glutes(the booty bend...he was pretty proud of this reference and used it profusely).Tuesday night was equally as entertaining....a 300 lb. woman walked up wearing no shoes, and these awful black cutoffs...followed by an elderly man who couldnt have weighed more than a buck...he had a slightly more normal appearance than the woman...except for his hot pink slippers...this is a pretty good one....the woman walked up and asked my table if they had a cell phone she could borrow...because....she;was lost, had just been kicked out of the hospital where the man was...she was planning on spending the night sleeping in the hospital lobby(they dont actually do they?)but then they told her they couldnt help the old man.."what he has they cant fix"she said with her bayou twang...she had to give him her slippers!!she needed to get a ride home...i told her to use the phone inside...she ended up getting a cab by promising she had a bank card at home."its under the sofa,cuz that's where i left it"..she was going about 15 miles away...the cab ride would cost 80 dollars!!! They waited for about 10 minutes until the cab got there....then they were slippers and all....just as i was getting over this craziness my table(from arkansawww...they're accents were soooo thick!!)was overwhelmed at my resemblance to...minnie driver..."oh my look like that girl..from the know, skyler...has anyone ever told you that?ok two things; 1-about 99% of the time when people are about to make some remark about my lookalikeness(sweet.i made up a word!!)they start by saying"has anyone ever told you you look like minnie driver?"its funny they always say it exactly like that...2-I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MINNIE i? i mean i dont think i do..but, i've been told that at least 100 times in my adult life...sometimes weeks, even months go by and i dont hear a thing...then i'll start hearing it on a daily basis....i dont get i got home from work and my friend zak called...i havent talked to or hung out with zak in about 3-4 months...he used to work at the g.clove...when he left we didnt really talk as sucks too cuz about 5 months ago he moved a block away! anyway, we ended up hanging and made plans to have lunch on wednesday. wednesday was a very random day. zak and i went to lunch. we ate at this place in the quarter that i really like..its called angeli...they have really good sandwiches, pizza and salads...well maybe not the salads anymore....i was enjoying my chicken salad when i noticed a piece was kinda brown.upon further inspection i realized it was covered with dirt....then i noticed the rest of the lettuce was dirty as well.who doesnt wash lettuce???guess i'll have to order my salad without dirt next time.anyway...we went to not gonna lie...i love walmart...they have the coolest shit!!For example, my new monkey pillow...he's super soft and will be joining me on my california trip!!i dont think i've ever spent less than an hour in that place...its just not like a kid in a candy store!!!no i really am!!zak was laughing at me!!anyway, i headed to work!!!this is when i realized it was a full moon!! people that i hadnt seen in months came in....alot of the topics zak and i had discussed either happened or were talked was just weird...we planned on catching the midnight showing of natural born killers, so i came home and changed and we met at we were about to leave one of the regulars insisted it wasnt playing...i was sure it was, since i had called the theatre during the day to see what time it played, and the kid that worked there told me 1200!! so i called the theatre again just to appease this guy and what do you know....he says the movie is only showing on friday and saturday!!!so we ended up having a couple drinks and heading to my friend todd's place..he lives in the wherehouse district in the city....we got to his place and headed to the rooftop....oh my god...the view...its amazing..i mean.....i dont think describing it would even do it justice......the skyline.....the view of the mississippi river bridge lit up.....the ported cruise ship(i never realized the enormity of those things,but they're freakin huge!!!)it was such a clear view of everything!!it was quite euphoric.....the rest of the evenings events were made that much better just by having that view in the background....and having that full moon illuminating it all...we stayed up on that rooftop for hours and after the moon bid us adieu and the sun came up, we decided to head home....its strange....that feeling of complete content stayed with me all day today....i wonder how long she'll be hanging around.....sweet such a cheeseball!!!
So, yesterday was a full moon.......I'm convinced that full moons in this city make it even more strange and random than normal....This whole week has been pretty random...but the past couple days have seen especially high levels of random encounters, acts,events. So....i've been working at the garlic clove everyday.....monday was pretty was trivial pursuit night....the bartender plays with a couple of regulars and any random bar patrons that wish to join in....trivial pursuit is like...the longest game ever...longer than monopoly....its even longer than that war game risk(my dad was totally addicted to this board game...then he got it on his computer...that was the end of dad for awhile...he would play online....its crazy how many people love this game...i dont get it!!!) that was friend todd randomly called me( i havent spoken to him in months)we hung out at igors when i got off work....he left....i stayed...the rest of the evening entailed eating 1 chicken nugget(then feeling overwhelmed with guilt...damn you fat kid eating habits!!!!)having a conversation with a chef whos ex-girlfriend stabbed him(twice...meaning two seperate occasions),had him sent to jail, only for him to go back to her....note to self:gotta start stabbin the men to keep em it!!Having another conversation with a fitness trainer...he actually got out of his barstool and started showing me the type of squats i needed to do to work on my glutes(the booty bend...he was pretty proud of this reference and used it profusely).Tuesday night was equally as entertaining....a 300 lb. woman walked up wearing no shoes, and these awful black cutoffs...followed by an elderly man who couldnt have weighed more than a buck...he had a slightly more normal appearance than the woman...except for his hot pink slippers...this is a pretty good one....the woman walked up and asked my table if they had a cell phone she could borrow...because....she;was lost, had just been kicked out of the hospital where the man was...she was planning on spending the night sleeping in the hospital lobby(they dont actually do they?)but then they told her they couldnt help the old man.."what he has they cant fix"she said with her bayou twang...she had to give him her slippers!!she needed to get a ride home...i told her to use the phone inside...she ended up getting a cab by promising she had a bank card at home."its under the sofa,cuz that's where i left it"..she was going about 15 miles away...the cab ride would cost 80 dollars!!! They waited for about 10 minutes until the cab got there....then they were slippers and all....just as i was getting over this craziness my table(from arkansawww...they're accents were soooo thick!!)was overwhelmed at my resemblance to...minnie driver..."oh my look like that girl..from the know, skyler...has anyone ever told you that?ok two things; 1-about 99% of the time when people are about to make some remark about my lookalikeness(sweet.i made up a word!!)they start by saying"has anyone ever told you you look like minnie driver?"its funny they always say it exactly like that...2-I DO NOT LOOK LIKE MINNIE i? i mean i dont think i do..but, i've been told that at least 100 times in my adult life...sometimes weeks, even months go by and i dont hear a thing...then i'll start hearing it on a daily basis....i dont get i got home from work and my friend zak called...i havent talked to or hung out with zak in about 3-4 months...he used to work at the g.clove...when he left we didnt really talk as sucks too cuz about 5 months ago he moved a block away! anyway, we ended up hanging and made plans to have lunch on wednesday. wednesday was a very random day. zak and i went to lunch. we ate at this place in the quarter that i really like..its called angeli...they have really good sandwiches, pizza and salads...well maybe not the salads anymore....i was enjoying my chicken salad when i noticed a piece was kinda brown.upon further inspection i realized it was covered with dirt....then i noticed the rest of the lettuce was dirty as well.who doesnt wash lettuce???guess i'll have to order my salad without dirt next time.anyway...we went to not gonna lie...i love walmart...they have the coolest shit!!For example, my new monkey pillow...he's super soft and will be joining me on my california trip!!i dont think i've ever spent less than an hour in that place...its just not like a kid in a candy store!!!no i really am!!zak was laughing at me!!anyway, i headed to work!!!this is when i realized it was a full moon!! people that i hadnt seen in months came in....alot of the topics zak and i had discussed either happened or were talked was just weird...we planned on catching the midnight showing of natural born killers, so i came home and changed and we met at we were about to leave one of the regulars insisted it wasnt playing...i was sure it was, since i had called the theatre during the day to see what time it played, and the kid that worked there told me 1200!! so i called the theatre again just to appease this guy and what do you know....he says the movie is only showing on friday and saturday!!!so we ended up having a couple drinks and heading to my friend todd's place..he lives in the wherehouse district in the city....we got to his place and headed to the rooftop....oh my god...the view...its amazing..i mean.....i dont think describing it would even do it justice......the skyline.....the view of the mississippi river bridge lit up.....the ported cruise ship(i never realized the enormity of those things,but they're freakin huge!!!)it was such a clear view of everything!!it was quite euphoric.....the rest of the evenings events were made that much better just by having that view in the background....and having that full moon illuminating it all...we stayed up on that rooftop for hours and after the moon bid us adieu and the sun came up, we decided to head home....its strange....that feeling of complete content stayed with me all day today....i wonder how long she'll be hanging around.....sweet such a cheeseball!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
I Got Nothin!!!
Ok, so....its all clear to me now why i was soo emotional the other all makes sense, you can just disregard the previous post....not that anyone read it....its kinda ironic, i have this emotional epiphany...i put in on the internet for all the world to see....and not even 1 stinkin comment...i mean, is anyone even reading this shit?? not that it matters...well, i guess it kinda does...i wouldnt be bothered by the fact that NOONE had ANY reply at ALL if it didnt, ok, it does matter...dude, IM a freakin mess!! Maybe its not just the whole"monthly friend" thang(I think its so funny when people refer to it as your monthly friend, I mean, who comes up with this shit anyway?). IM totally anxious to get to California....My friend Chris just totally flaked on me(IM not sure why IM surprised..I mean...He literally flakes ALL the time!!)I keep having these really random dreams involving friends in California....Anyway.....I'm really ready to go home...I just need to be around people that truly know and love me.....Though I enjoy meeting and making new friends....Nothin compares to the one's that have been and will be around forever!!! Plus,im just so freakin sick of flaky-ass people....I just don't get it!!! Don't get me wrong,my habitual tardiness sucks too..But come on....If I say im gonna be somewhere I'll get there(not in a timely manner or anything like that!!!)I mean I know I inconvenience folks with my lateness...But, why make plans just to not follow through with them????Huh...Chris????Why, I just want to know why?????Wow....I need a midol and a nap!!!!! Later!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Ok, so....let me preface this entry by stating..i dont normally talk about like, relationships and stuff...i dont like to talk about them, well, not my own anyway...well, just to like, my closest friends...but i definitely dont discuss my feelings and especially not in this manner(highly public!!)ok, with that said.....i went to a going away party last night for a guy who i worked with for a brief period of time at nyp....i'll start by saying i almost didn't go to said party for a couple reasons; 1. I didnt know him well or anything... 2. In keeping with the whole being good thang, i was almost ready for bed by the time the girls called and didnt really feel like getting ready(which as we all know, is quite the daunting task for yours truly)but, after some convincing, and a promise that i'd meet new people, i agreed...So, while driving to the party(sidenote:the green machine, also known as my car, totally died on me tuesday morning. of course, it was right after i'd purchased my weekly groceries, perishable ones no less, which were just chillin in the was sad... i totally had to push her off the morning rush filled street...luckily there was an auto shop just around the corner...but it was still quite traumatic, mind you, though it was still morning, the humidity was already like a bazillion was disgusting, i mean i actually got to the point, after pushing her, she's a heavy little byotch..i got to the point where i just didnt care about the sweat that was rolling down my;face, chest, back, butt, i mean seriously, its not right!!!!!how do people(especially sweatprone ones) deal with this shit???anyhoo, i had to get a new radiator and some other stuff, it was quite the wake up call, my car was like, hello? could ya pay a little attention to me??)where was i??? oh yeah, so im on my way to this party and im realizing im in the part of town that drunken bicurious eric lives...its called mid-city, its an up and coming area in the city, alot of kids my age are starting to settle out there...anyway, i thought itd be weird if i ran into him, but i thought, nah, this is a going away party, he doesnt know any of these peeps.....this is where fate plays funny tricks on ya....cuz, of course he showed up at this party, with his sickly thin girlfriend(seriously, does this girl even eat?) and of course he came over and pretended to care about my's the thing, as fd up of a person as he is, and as shitty as the relationship was....there was still this little part of me that wanted him back...its really a sick feeling, i mean, i'm totally over this guy, right? i have to be it was like 3 years, the night went on, i got home, and remembered i had tivoed britney and kevins show.chaotic..this is where it gets just plain sad...i started feeling all lonely, like, awww, i want someone too...blah blah blah, and i know this whole freakin thing started because i saw stupid eric at that party....i started thinking about past relationships(if you can call them that, i never get far enough to technically title it that, its more like, relations, or attempts at )and i realized....its almost like im sabotaging from the getgo, i mean, i think about each guy, how i seek out the guy with the issues or something just really fd up, because, this is what i used to tell myself, the masochist in me wants to fix them, make them better....but, time and time again, i seek out these men, and it never fails, i end up getting hurt....and even worse is that when i see them after the initial pain has been rendered, i still want them back....i realize these situations have been safe..its like, i go for the guy that i know wont last cuz that means i wont get too close, or at least thats what i tell myself, but, in retrospect, even if i dont get TOO close, i still start to or get attached, in turn, feelings are so scared of love and being loved that ive deprived myself of all the positive emotions of, i wonder, will it ever happen?will i be able to allow a healthy relationship to happen? or will i just keep sabotaging?i mean, i want to know that feeling, i want to be overwhelmed. i want to take that rollercoaster ride, with all the ups and the downs(i dont know how i feel about heartbreak though, not so sure i want to experience that!!)I guess i just look forward to that moment...when i think with my heart and not with my head, cuz so far....the heads been doin it all, and not so well i might add!! Ok, so...there's that....
Monday, June 13, 2005
My longest commitment!!
Well, i can honestly say this is the longest committed relationship i've ever been's only been one month, but it feels like sooo much longer....i'm speaking of course of my new....HEALTHY didnt think i was talking about a boy did you???No way dude....i aint got time for all dat!! No, seriously of today its been one entire month...i cant believe i've sustained for so long....i'm not gonna lie...there's been a couple days when i've cheated, either by not doing my exercises...or consuming alcohol(sorry dad!!)but, all and all its proven quite effective(18 lbs. lost so far!!)..aside from the weight loss, i just feel sooo much better!!! Anyhoo....this past weekend was cool...on thursday my friend gretchen and i saw iron and wine at the was a really mellow show, but still cool....friday i escorted my friend tim to the gay bars on bourbon street(what fun!!)....and saturday during the day tim and i checked out the creole tomato festival...i swear there's a fest of some sort here every weekend...this one was pretty small in size(not the tomato, the festival!!)but, i did get to try a fried green tomato!! Saturday night we checked out the midnight showing of donnie darko, it was the director's cut, and it was awesome...Yesterday i tried to get some rest before heading to im mailing my cousin his high school graduation present(i got him an mp3 player, and some local music cds, does that sound like a good gift? im just kinda nervous cuz he's like my little bro, and i really want him to like it!!)its strange how i'm already experiencing moments of aging, i mean...i clearly remember the day my aunt brought him home from the hospital, and this summer he'll be celebrating his 18th bday!!!Its crazy, im not that old, or am i???? Anyway, im sad to miss such an important event in his life.....what else?....oh this weekend my friend chris is coming to town and we're gonna catch the midnight showing of the goonies!!!! BABY RUUUUUUTH!!!! I'm so excited!!! Next weekend....the big lebowski!!!! Only two weeks til cali!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Movies at midnight
It's strange how i seem to fall in love with this town over and over, just when i think i know all it has to offer....there's somethin new...well, new to me at least...enter the summer midnight movies....each weekend throughout the summer several local theatres will show movies beginning at midnight...starting this weekend. I now officially have plans for the weekend....friday night...full metal jacket!! I havent seen that movie in sooo long, its playing at one of the older theatres in the city..its the old one screen theatre, with the old, uncomfortable seats, with no cup holders!!!(can you believe we did without for so long!!I guess i should prepare myself for the old "holding the cup between your legs til your inner thighs go numb"feelin!!)It should be awesome....Saturday's offering-Donnie Darko....I've only seen this one once, but this showing is the director's cut(whatever that means, sounds cool though!!), so hopefully it'll be a little different, plus its got jake gyllenhall, he's sooo excited for tahoe on the 4th, brandi, i cant believe you're actually coming!!! Im really stoked....its gonna be a full house, which means, if nothing else, plenty of blogworthy material!!! Dad, i just want to say really didnt have really looking forward to getting to spend some quality time with you...oh, and you too sister!! Love you guys!!!!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Two for tuesday
So...whoever thought up that slogan is a god...not only did i get two tickets to see iron and wine on thursday(otherwise known as thirsty thursdays!!)i also got two mojitos for the price of one(i only had one, still tryin to take it easy on the drinkin tip!!).Its a beautiful thang!! Last week was pretty calm around these parts...jason and i went to see the new star wars on thursday...then we checked out 80's night at a bar in the quarter....he left friday morning...had a brief scare with my cell phone...thought id lost was quite sad to see how freakin attached i actually am to that thing...its pretty sick!!! Saturday my friend tim and i went and checked out this show...the headliner was a skinny white chick who raps....its was awesome!!!! Still keepin up with my new healthy lifestyle....its so strange..this city, the french quarter in particular, in the morning...its almost like a normal, quiet town....except for bourbon street....its been confirmed, the stench of beer, piss and vomit is a constant!! I have tomorrow off...then i work until next big plans for the weekend, but...its still early!! I'm basically just counting down the days till california...3 weeks to the day!! Well, thats about it for now...
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
When it rains.....
So...we all know how the rest of the saying goes...well, for me the past few days have proven that statement true...lets see...i'll start with this past weekend....jason informed me that he was letting one of his friends and her bachelorette party stay here(in the condo)for the weekend...7 girls....first off, this place isnt big enough to accommodate 7 girls, plus me, plus my friend jen, whose crashing here for the meantime....thats 9 peeps in the give you the gist i got a TOTAL of 9 hours of sleep for all 3 nights they were here....dont get me wrong they were nice and all...also very drunk, and loud!! I was working all weekend, worked a double on sunday(13 hours straight) and was really in no mood to last night was my first quality night of sleep since thursday....i woke up this morning excited to get back into my routine....went for a walk, went to walmart, thats when disaster began...on my drive home, i went to pull out my bottled h20 i had in my purse, when i realized it was wasnt empty the last time id had a drink.....about a 2/3 full bottle of h2o dumped itself out in my purse, which contained:my wallet, my cd holder for the car(about 10 cds),now the painful NOT EVEN A WEEK OLD mp3 $300 digital camera i purchased about a month ago to replace the previous one i had somehow fd up as well)....yeah, as of right now, neither of the last two are working....oh, but im not finished, after realizing i had pretty much ruined about 600 worth of electronics with my own stupidity i decided to take a nap...(not realizing the time)when i woke up i realized i had left something in my car....yeah, my car got towed, again!!!! So, um, its only 1 in the afternoon, and im pretty much ready for this day to be over!!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
sweatin to the oldies
Ok, so...i know people in fresno(and me)we say it gets like, super hot during the, its just a whole nother ballgame..i mean..ohmigod!!!.its only the end of may...there is no way im gonna make it through this freakin humidity...for those yet to experience a summer in the n.o. let me try my best to know when its hot, and you're driving around with the a/c blastin, when you get to wherever you're goin, you get up and out of the car, and you have to pull,(insert random piece of clothing here)away from your body cuz its stuck with sweat, ok, so maybe that was just me, but, imagine...if you that stickiness, but, like, all the freakin time..i mean just the walk to my car this morning, after i'd spent a good hour gettin myself all purty for work(what? looking this good takes time, ok??)worked up the dirtay sweat(my new reference to the humid sweatiness im sure i'll see quite frequently in the next few months, yay!! somethin to look forward to!). But the worst part about the dirtay sweat is the little beads that just flourish on my face on the skin beneath my nose and above my lip....i hate this sweat most because its not only most obvious(i know everyone's staring at it when they see it!!Paranoid much!!!), but its not like you can wipe that spot without incident, i mean what other reason than to wipe one's sweat, or snot would one even be near that area of the face(i wonder if its got an actual name?)??? Anyhoo, i guess you can tell i dont have much to report since i just spent way too much time ranting about sweat!! Moms left yesterday...its like moving out all over used to havin the old lady around!! Now i have to be an adult again...this sucks!!! Anyway,still stickin with the whole bootcamp thang...i've lost 10 lbs. so far!! Its been like 12 days since i've had a, im serious, no, really...ok, so its partially cuz i was around mom like 24/7, so the drinking police(mom)were in full effect....but she's been gone 24 hours and im still going strong(ok, maybe not strong, it does get kinda hard, i mean i get people drunk for a living for gods sake, as a matter of fact its not easy at all!!!) I feel so much better, not being hungover that, now my dad doesnt have to "worry about my drinking"anymore...well, at least not for a while...with the diminish in the drinking, so too has my social doesnt help i spent the last month attached at the hip to my mother, now im not going out, its quite a bumpy road this whole healthy lifestyle thang....but, its just something that needs to be done, so sacrificing a few crazy nights, and a few gnarly hangovers is a small price to pay for the inshape me thats to come!! Gawd all that stemmed from just one hour of Oprah....i should definitely watch more television....stay up!!!
Monday, May 16, 2005
The ball's kickin my ass!!
So, last week was fairly uneventful....meaning i only drank one night!!! Most of the time just kicked it with my moms...this is her last week here....i know my sister says she should cut the umbilical cord already.....i really dont want her to leave....its strange....referring to her as my mom, now, that i'm all grown up(dont go around tellin everyone!!),its seems almost insufficient in describing her role in my life...i think about how much contempt i had for her growing up...then one day i realized....this woman would give her right arm, if thats what i needed...she's always there for me,and though it at one time in my life seemed an unfathomable thought, i cant wait to be able to take care of her the way she so unconditionally has taken care of me!!!! Anyway, enough of that mushy mom and i also started working out together.....ok, so we were watching oprah, and my mom made me start with her....but its actually not that bad...we have to do cardio and resistance training everyday....we bought an exercise ball, and i was thinking,"how harmful can a big bouncy ball be??"yeah, it sooo kicks my butt, everyday!!!! Anyway, thats all we've been up to around here, the day mom leaves, jason's coming to town, he'll be here for 2 weeks!! I'm hopin june just blows on by so we can get to my month back in cali(july)!!! And my week in tahoe!!! I cant wait!!!! PEEEEEEEAAAAACE!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Happy moms day!!!
sup everybody?? Hope all yall had a sweet moms day...i took my mom to a super expensive lunch, and movie....last week was pretty cool. On wednesday night i went out drinking for the first time since my moms been here.....didnt go so well...she kept calling wondering where i was a totally not cool reminder of living at home....even though i dont...whats up with that...isnt it time to forgo the whole "checking in" thing, i mean, i'm 26 years old for gods sake!!! Anyhoo, did the damn thing(drank one too many,stayed out way too late)....thursday i was "supposed" to be getting ready for our little 5 de mayo partay....i ended up sleeping the better part of the around 3 pm i joined the living, went to pick up tim and chas(having gay guys around for the whole preparty decorating and setting up, especially when the host of the party is super duper hungover=priceless). My madre slaved the day away in the kitchen( is it taboo to refer to anything slave related when inhabiting a slaves quarters?) and the result was nothing short of delectable. The fiesta was a friend from fresno, michelle, was driving to georgia and stopped by as she was passing through....they arrived early evening and i sent them on a buggy tour of the quarter....the partied died down around 11(fairly early for us party folk)and we headed to bourbon....i met up with michelle and co. and pat o's for the standard hurricane stop....then it was on to the dance clubs to get our bourbon street boogie on....we called it a night, got up in the morning(sans hangover, i might add!!), and had the obligatory beignet(famous french doughnut)for breakfast.....i worked all weekend, but played it fairly i did the whole paying bills, responsible adult, blah blah blah thing, i decided its not for me....then we went shopping, totally for mom's convinced im addicted, and i should seek therapy, she doesnt get that the shopping IS the, im off work til thursday, we're thinking about a road trip!!
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